Are you in search of 5 letter words that start with A? Look no further, as we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of words that are sure to enhance your vocabulary and communication skills.
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words that Start with A
So, what are 5 letter words that start with A?
5 letter words that start with A are 5 letter words that contain the letter A at the beginning, such as “Award”, “Alone”, “About” and “Above”.
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in A
- Abaca
- Abada
- Abaya
- Aboma
- Abuna
- Accra
- Adyta
- Aecia
- Agama
- Agata
- Agita
- Agora
- Agura
- Ajiva
- Ajuga
- Akala
- Akela
- Akita
- Alala
- Alapa
- Aloha
- Alpha
- Alula
- Ameba
- Amiga
- Amnia
- Amora
- Angma
- Anima
- Anoia
- Antra
- Aorta
- Apnea
- Areca
- Arena
- Arepa
- Aroma
- Asana
- Atria
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in B
- Acerb
- Adorb
- Ardeb
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in C
- Acmic
- Adunc
- Afric
- Amnic
- Antic
- Asdic
- Aspic
- Attic
- Aulic
- Auric
- Azoic
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in D
- Aahed
- Aband
- Abord
- Ached
- Acold
- Acred
- Acrid
- Acted
- Added
- Adzed
- Ahead
- Ahold
- Aided
- Ailed
- Aimed
- Aired
- Alcid
- Algid
- Alkyd
- Allod
- Aloud
- Amend
- Amped
- Anted
- Aphid
- Arced
- Armed
- Aroid
- Asked
- Avoid
- Award
- Axled
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in E
- Abase
- Abate
- Abele
- Abide
- Abode
- Above
- Abuse
- Achee
- Ackee
- Acute
- Adage
- Addle
- Adobe
- Adore
- Adoze
- Aerie
- Afire
- Afore
- Agape
- Agate
- Agave
- Agaze
- Aggie
- Agile
- Agone
- Agree
- Aisle
- Akene
- Alate
- Algae
- Alike
- Aline
- Alive
- Alone
- Alowe
- Amate
- Amaze
- Amble
- Amice
- Amide
- Amine
- Amole
- Amove
- Ample
- Amuse
- Ancle
- Ancre
- Anele
- Angle
- Anile
- Anime
- Anise
- Ankle
- Anode
- Anole
- Ansae
- Antae
- Antre
- Apace
- Apple
- Aquae
- Arace
- Arere
- Arete
- Argue
- Arise
- Arose
- Aside
- Atone
- Aurae
- Avale
- Avile
- Avise
- Avoke
- Awake
- Aware
- Awoke
- Axone
- Azide
- Azine
- Azole
- Azote
- Azure
- Azyme
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in F
- Aloof
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in G
- Acing
- Aging
- Aking
- Almug
- Along
- Among
- Aping
- Awing
- Axing
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in H
- Aargh
- Abash
- Airth
- Aitch
- Aleph
- Alish
- Allah
- Almah
- Almeh
- Anigh
- Apish
- Arrah
- Awash
- Azoth
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in I
- Aalii
- Abaci
- Acari
- Acini
- Aioli
- Akebi
- Alibi
- Ariki
- Askoi
- Assai
- Auloi
- Aurei
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in K
- Aback
- Acock
- Aimak
- Aleak
- Amuck
- Apeak
- Apeek
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in L
- Aboil
- Afoul
- Agnel
- Ahull
- Aldol
- Algal
- Alkyl
- Allyl
- Ampul
- Angel
- Annal
- Anvil
- Appal
- Appel
- Areal
- Argal
- Argil
- Argol
- Ariel
- Armil
- Artal
- Artel
- Atoll
- Aural
- Auxil
- Avail
- Awful
- Axial
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in M
- Abeam
- Abohm
- Abysm
- Adeem
- Adsum
- Alarm
- Album
- Algum
- Aurum
- Axiom
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in N
- Aboon
- Abrin
- Acorn
- Acron
- Actin
- Acton
- Adman
- Admen
- Admin
- Adorn
- Adown
- Again
- Alban
- Albyn
- Algin
- Alien
- Align
- Almon
- Aloin
- Amain
- Ambon
- Ancon
- Angon
- Anion
- Apian
- Apron
- Argon
- Arson
- Ascon
- Ashen
- Aspen
- Atman
- Auxin
- Avian
- Axion
- Axman
- Axmen
- Azlon
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in O
- Abmho
- Achoo
- Addio
- Adobo
- Aggro
- Ahkio
- Alamo
- Altho
- Amigo
- Amino
- Amnio
- Ancho
- Anglo
- Appro
- Audio
- Aviso
- Azido
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in P
- Abamp
- Atrip
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in R
- Abear
- Abhor
- Abler
- Actor
- Adder
- Aesir
- After
- Agger
- Aider
- Aimer
- Alder
- Aller
- Altar
- Alter
- Alvar
- Amber
- Ameer
- Amour
- Anear
- Anger
- Angor
- Anker
- Ansar
- Arbor
- Ardor
- Arear
- Armor
- Asker
- Asper
- Aster
- Astir
- Athar
- Attar
- Auger
- Augur
- Aurar
- Awner
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in S
- Abbas
- Abbes
- Abets
- Abies
- Ables
- Abris
- Abuts
- Abyes
- Abyss
- Acais
- Aches
- Acids
- Acles
- Acmes
- Acnes
- Acres
- Actos
- Adats
- Adios
- Adits
- Adzes
- Aedes
- Aegis
- Agals
- Agars
- Ageds
- Agers
- Aghas
- Agios
- Agmas
- Agues
- Aides
- Akees
- Albas
- Aldms
- Alecs
- Alfas
- Alias
- Alifs
- Allis
- Almas
- Almes
- Alods
- Aloes
- Altos
- Alums
- Amahs
- Amass
- Ambas
- Ambos
- Amens
- Amies
- Amirs
- Amiss
- Ammos
- Amoks
- Amyls
- Anbas
- Angas
- Anils
- Ankhs
- Ankus
- Annas
- Anoas
- Antas
- Antes
- Antis
- Anyus
- Aphis
- Apios
- Apres
- Apses
- Apsis
- Aquas
- Araks
- Arcus
- Areas
- Argus
- Arias
- Arils
- Arras
- Arris
- Arsis
- Arvos
- Ascus
- Ashes
- Askos
- Asses
- Atars
- Atlas
- Atmas
- Atoms
- Aulos
- Aunes
- Aunts
- Auras
- Autos
- Auxes
- Avens
- Avers
- Avgas
- Avows
- Awols
- Axels
- Axils
- Axles
- Axons
- Ayahs
- Ayins
- Ayous
- Ayres
- Azans
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in T
- Abaft
- Abbot
- Abort
- About
- Adapt
- Adept
- Admit
- Adopt
- Adret
- Adult
- Adust
- Aetat
- Afoot
- Afrit
- Agast
- Agent
- Agist
- Aglet
- Aholt
- Alert
- Alist
- Allot
- Aloft
- Ambit
- Ament
- Amort
- Anent
- Angst
- Apart
- Aport
- Argot
- Armet
- Arret
- Ascot
- Asset
- Atilt
- Audit
- Aught
- Avast
- Avert
- Await
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in U, W
- Adieu
- Aflow
- Aglow
- Allow
- Arrow
- Askew
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in X
- Addax
- Admix
- Affix
- Annex
5 Letter Words that Start with A and End in Y, Z
- Abbey
- Acidy
- Ackey
- Agamy
- Agley
- Agony
- Alary
- Allay
- Alley
- Alloy
- Almry
- Alogy
- Ambry
- Amity
- Amply
- Angry
- Annoy
- Anomy
- Antsy
- Apery
- Apply
- Aptly
- Array
- Artsy
- Ataxy
- Atomy
- Atony
- Atopy
- Aunty
- Abuzz
Commonly Used 5 Letter Words that Start with A
- Abaca
- Aback
- Abada
- Abate
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abele
- Abode
- Aboma
- Abord
- Abort
- About
- Abuse
- Affix
- Afric
- Alarm
- Alban
- Album
- Albyn
- Alder
- Alert
- Algum
- Alias
- Alibi
- Alien
- Allah
- Allay
- Alley
- Allis
- Almeh
- Almry
- Alogy
- Aloin
- Aloof
- Alpha
- Altar
- Alula
- Ancle
- Angel
- Anger
- Angle
- Angor
- Anime
- Anion
- Anise
- Anker
- Ankle
- Antic
- Anvil
- Atomy
- Atony
- Attar
- Aband
- Abase
- Abash
- Abear
- Adapt
- Addle
- Adeem
- Admit
- Admix
- Adopt
- Adore
- Adorn
- Agast
- Agist
- Agree
- Align
- Aline
- Allot
- Allow
- Alloy
- Alter
- Amain
- Amass
- Amate
- Amaze
- Amber
- Amble
- Amend
- Amove
- Amuse
- Anear
- Anele
- Annoy
- Arace
- Arear
- Arere
- Argue
- Arise
- Arras
- Array
- Arret
- Avail
- Avale
- Avert
- Avile
- Avise
- Avoid
- Avoke
- Await
- Awake
- Award
- Azure
- Above
- Acute
- Adust
- Afire
- Aflow
- After
- Alary
- Aleak
- Alike
- Alish
- Alive
- Aller
- Alone
- Actor
- Adobe
- Adult
- Again
- Agent
- Aging
- Agony
- Ahead
- Aisle
- Along
- Aloud
- Amino
- Among
- Ample
- Angry
- Apart
- Apple
- Apply
- Arena
- Armor
- Arose
- Arrow
- Aside
- Asset
- Atlas
- Audio
- Audit
- Aware
- Awful
Words with Letters
- 2 letter words
- 3 letter words
- 4 letter words
- 5 letter words
- 6 letter words
- 7 letter words
- 8 letter words
Using 5 Letter Words that Start with A in the Sentences
Here are common 5 letter words that start with A, along with example sentences:
- About – I’m not sure about that.
- Above – The plane flew above the clouds.
- After – After dinner, we watched a movie.
- Again – Let’s try that again.
- Ahead – The finish line is just ahead.
- Alarm – The alarm woke me up early.
- Alive – She’s lucky to be alive after the accident.
- Alone – I prefer to be alone when I’m working.
- Along – We walked along the beach.
- Among – She was among the first to arrive.
- Angel – She’s an angel for helping us out.
- Angry – He’s always so angry.
- Ankle – I twisted my ankle playing soccer.
- Apple – I packed an apple for my lunch.
- April – My birthday is in April.
- Arena – The concert was held in a large arena.
- Arrow – The arrow pointed to the right.
- Avail – I hope this information is of avail to you.
- Award – He won an award for his academic achievements.
- Awful – That movie was awful.
- Axiom – The statement is considered an axiom in mathematics.
FAQs on 5 Letter Words that Start with A
1. What are common 5 letter words that start with A?
There are many common 5 letter words that start with A. Here are some examples: apple, about, above, alive, along, arrow, after, among, adult, angel, awake, ample, added, adept, aches, avert.
2. What are some 5 letter words that start with A and have a double letter?
Some examples of 5 letter words that start with A and have a double letter are: accel, adder, appel, appen, agglo, attic
3. Are there any everyday objects whose name is a 5 letter word starting with a?
There are many everyday objects whose name is a 5 letter word starting with A. Here are some examples:
- Alarm: a device that makes a loud noise to alert people of danger or to wake them up
- Apple: a fruit that is commonly eaten and used in various dishes
- Ashes: the remains of something after it has been burned
- Arrow: a pointed projectile that is shot from a bow
- Apron: a garment that is worn over clothing to protect it while cooking or doing other messy tasks
- Album: a collection of songs or photographs
- Aisle: a passage between rows of seats or shelves
4. Is there an easy way to remember all of the 5 letter words that start with a?
- Use flashcards: Write each word on a flashcard, with the definition on the back. Quiz yourself on the words until you can recall them easily.
- Categorize the words: Group words together based on common themes or categories. For example, you could group words related to food, animals, or music.
- Practice with games or quizzes: Use online resources or apps to practice identifying and spelling 5 letter words that start with A. This can help you reinforce your knowledge and improve your memory.
5 Letter Words Related Links