How many 5 letter words that start with H do you know? In this article, we’ll explore five letter words that start with H and their meanings. So grab a pen and paper, and let’s dive in!
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words that Start with H
What are 5 Letter Words that Start with H?
5 letter words that start with H are 5 letter words that contain the letter “H” at the beginning. There are many five-letter words that start with the letter H. Some common examples include “habit”, “hands”, “handy”, “heads”, “heals”, “height”, “heirs”, “hence”, “hockey”, “hoody” and “horse”.
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in A
- Hagia
- Haika
- Hakea
- Halfa
- Halma
- Halva
- Hamba
- Hamza
- Hansa
- Hasta
- Hatha
- Hejra
- Hella
- Henna
- Herma
- Hevea
- Hiera
- Hijra
- Hodja
- Holla
- Honda
- Hooka
- Hosta
- Hovea
- Hudna
- Hurra
- Hutia
- Huzza
- Hydra
- Hyena
- Hypha
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in B
- Hejab
- Hijab
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in C
- Havoc
- Hemic
- Humic
- Hylic
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in D
- Haded
- Haled
- Halid
- Hamed
- Hared
- Hated
- Hawed
- Hayed
- Hazed
- Heald
- Heard
- Heled
- Hewed
- Hexad
- Hexed
- Heyed
- Hiked
- Hired
- Hived
- Hoaed
- Hoard
- Hodad
- Hohed
- Holed
- Homed
- Honed
- Hoord
- Hoped
- Hosed
- Hound
- Hoved
- Hoxed
- Hoyed
- Hudud
- Humid
- Hyoid
- Hyped
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in E
- Hable
- Halse
- Halve
- Hance
- Hanse
- Haste
- Hause
- Haute
- Hawse
- Hayle
- Heave
- Hedge
- Heeze
- Hefte
- Helve
- Hence
- Henge
- Heroe
- Herse
- Hinge
- Hiree
- Hithe
- Hoise
- Homie
- Hoove
- Horde
- Horse
- House
- Howbe
- Hoyle
- Hygge
- Hynde
- Hythe
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in F
- Houff
- Howff
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in G
- Hying
- Hyleg
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in H
- Haith
- Hanch
- Harsh
- Hatch
- Haugh
- Heath
- Heigh
- Heuch
- Heugh
- Hewgh
- Hitch
- Hooch
- Hoosh
- Horah
- Hotch
- Hough
- Humph
- Hunch
- Hutch
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in I
- Hadji
- Hajji
- Hangi
- Hapai
- Hikoi
- Hongi
- Houri
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in K
- Hacek
- Haick
- Hoick
- Hopak
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in L
- Hadal
- Halal
- Hamal
- Hazel
- Hemal
- Hexyl
- Horal
- Hosel
- Hotel
- Hovel
- Howel
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in M
- Hakam
- Hakim
- Haram
- Harem
- Harim
- Haulm
- Hilum
- Hokum
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in N
- Halon
- Haven
- Hazan
- Heben
- Hemin
- Heron
- Hizen
- Hogan
- Hogen
- Holon
- Honan
- Hosen
- Hoven
- Human
- Hymen
- Hyson
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in O
- Hambo
- Helio
- Hello
- Himbo
- Hippo
- Hollo
- Howso
- Hullo
- Hydro
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in P
- Hanap
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in R
- Haler
- Hater
- Haver
- Hayer
- Hazer
- Heder
- Hepar
- Hewer
- Hexer
- Hider
- Hiker
- Hilar
- Hirer
- Hiver
- Homer
- Honer
- Honor
- Hoper
- Hoser
- Hover
- Huger
- Humor
- Hyper
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in S
- Haars
- Habus
- Hacks
- Hades
- Hadjs
- Haems
- Haets
- Haffs
- Hafts
- Haggs
- Hahas
- Haiks
- Hails
- Hains
- Hairs
- Hajis
- Hakas
- Hakes
- Hakus
- Hales
- Halfs
- Halls
- Halms
- Halos
- Halts
- Hames
- Hands
- Hangs
- Hanks
- Hants
- Hapas
- Hapus
- Hards
- Hares
- Harks
- Harls
- Harms
- Harns
- Haros
- Harps
- Harts
- Hasks
- Hasps
- Hates
- Haufs
- Hauls
- Haves
- Hawgs
- Hawks
- Hawms
- Hazes
- Hdwes
- Heads
- Heals
- Heaps
- Hears
- Heats
- Hebes
- Hecks
- Heeds
- Heels
- Heers
- Hefts
- Heids
- Heils
- Heirs
- Helas
- Heles
- Hells
- Helms
- Helos
- Helps
- Hemes
- Hemis
- Hents
- Herbs
- Herds
- Heres
- Herls
- Herms
- Herns
- Heros
- Herps
- Hesps
- Hests
- Heths
- Hexes
- Hicks
- Hides
- Hiems
- Highs
- Hikes
- Hills
- Hilts
- Hilus
- Hinds
- Hints
- Hires
- Hists
- Hives
- Hobos
- Hocks
- Hocus
- Hoggs
- Hoghs
- Hoiks
- Hokes
- Hokis
- Holds
- Holes
- Holms
- Holts
- Homes
- Homos
- Hones
- Hongs
- Honks
- Hoods
- Hoofs
- Hooks
- Hoons
- Hoops
- Hoots
- Hopes
- Horas
- Horis
- Horns
- Hoses
- Hosts
- Hours
- Houts
- Hoves
- Howes
- Howfs
- Howls
- Hoxes
- Hoyas
- Hucks
- Huers
- Huffs
- Huhus
- Huias
- Hulas
- Hules
- Hulks
- Hulls
- Humfs
- Humps
- Humus
- Hunks
- Hunts
- Hurds
- Hurls
- Hurts
- Husks
- Husos
- Hwies
- Hwyls
- Hyens
- Hykes
- Hylas
- Hyles
- Hymns
- Hypes
- Hypos
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in T
- Habit
- Hadst
- Haint
- Hault
- Haunt
- Heart
- Heast
- Hecht
- Heist
- Helot
- Hight
- Hoast
- Hoist
- Horst
- Hurst
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in U
- Haiku
- Hapuu
- Hinau
- Hokku
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in X
- Hapax
- Helix
- Hyrax
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in Y
- Haily
- Hairy
- Hammy
- Handy
- Hanky
- Happy
- Hardy
- Harpy
- Harry
- Hashy
- Hasty
- Hayey
- Heady
- Heapy
- Heavy
- Hedgy
- Hefty
- Hempy
- Henny
- Henry
- Herby
- Herry
- Hicky
- Hilly
- Hiney
- Hinky
- Hinny
- Hiply
- Hippy
- Hissy
- Hoagy
- Hoary
- Hobby
- Hokey
- Holey
- Holly
- Homey
- Honey
- Honky
- Hoody
- Hooey
- Hooky
- Hooly
- Hooty
- Hoppy
- Horny
- Horsy
- Hosey
- Hotly
- Hotty
- Howdy
- Hubby
- Huffy
- Huggy
- Hulky
- Hully
- Humpy
- Hunky
- Hurly
- Hurry
- Hushy
- Husky
- Hussy
- Huzzy
5 Letter Words that Start with H and End in Z
- Hafiz
- Hertz
Common 5 Letter Words that Start with H
- Habit
- Haiku
- Hairy
- Hakim
- Halal
- Halon
- Halve
- Hames
- Hammy
- Hamza
- Hands
- Handy
- Hangs
- Hanks
- Hanky
- Hants
- Haole
- Haoma
- Haori
- Hapai
- Hapas
- Happy
- Hapuu
- Haram
- Hards
- Hardy
- Hared
- Harem
- Hares
- Harim
- Harks
- Harms
- Harps
- Harpy
- Harry
- Harsh
- Harts
- Hasps
- Haste
- Hasty
- Hatch
- Hated
- Hater
- Hates
- Haugh
- Haulm
- Hauls
- Haunt
- Haute
- Haven
- Haver
- Haves
- Havoc
- Hawed
- Hawgs
- Hawks
- Hawse
- Hayed
- Hayey
- Hazan
- Hazed
- Hazel
- Hazer
- Hazes
- Hdwes
- Heads
- Heady
- Heals
- Heaps
- Heapy
- Heard
- Hears
- Heart
- Heath
- Heats
- Heave
- Heavy
- Hecks
- Heder
- Hedge
- Hedgy
- Heeds
- Heels
- Heers
- Hefts
- Hefty
- Heigh
- Heirs
- Heist
- Helas
- Helio
- Helix
- Hella
- Hello
- Hells
- Helms
- Helos
- Helps
- Hemal
- Hemes
- Hemic
- Hemin
- Hemis
- Hence
- Henge
- Henna
- Henry
- Hents
- Herbs
- Herby
- Herds
- Heres
- Herls
- Herma
- Herms
- Herns
- Heron
- Heros
- Herps
- Herry
- Hertz
- Hests
- Heths
- Hevea
- Hewed
- Hewer
- Hexad
- Hexed
- Hexer
- Hexes
- Hexyl
- Hicks
- Hicky
- Hider
- Hides
- Hiera
- Highs
- Hight
- Hijab
- Hijra
- Hilly
- Hinge
- Hints
- Hiply
- Hippo
- Hippy
- Hired
- Hiree
- Hirer
- Hires
- Hissy
- Hitch
- Hived
- Hiver
- Hives
- Hoard
- Hoary
- Hobby
- Hocks
- Hocus
- Hogan
- Hoggs
- Hoise
- Hoist
- Hokes
- Hokey
- Hokum
- Holed
- Holes
- Holey
- Holla
- Holly
- Homed
- Homer
- Homes
- Homey
- Homie
- Honan
- Honda
- Honed
- Honer
- Hones
- Honey
- Hongi
- Hongs
- Honks
- Honky
- Honor
- Hooch
- Hoods
- Hoody
- Hooey
- Hoofs
- Hooka
- Hooks
- Hooky
- Hooly
- Hoops
- Hoots
- Hopak
- Hoped
- Hoper
- Hopes
- Horde
- Horns
- Horny
- Horse
- Horst
- Horsy
- Hosed
- Hosel
- Hosen
- Hoser
- Hoses
- Hosey
- Hosta
- Hosts
- Hotch
- Hotel
- Hotly
- Hough
- Hound
- Houri
- Hours
- House
- Hovel
- Hoven
- Hover
- Howdy
- Howel
- Howes
- Howff
- Howls
- Hoyas
- Hsien
- Hubby
- Hucks
- Huffs
- Huffy
- Huger
- Huias
- Hulas
- Hulks
- Hulky
- Hullo
- Hulls
- Human
- Humic
- Humid
- Humor
- Humph
- Humps
- Humpy
- Humus
- Hunch
- Hunks
- Hunky
- Hunts
- Hurds
- Hurls
- Hurly
- Hurry
- Hurts
- Husks
- Husky
- Hussy
- Hutch
- Huzza
- Hydra
- Hydro
- Hyena
- Hymen
- Hyper
Words with Letters
- 2 letter words
- 3 letter words
- 4 letter words
- 5 letter words
- 6 letter words
- 7 letter words
- 8 letter words
FAQs on 5 Letter Words that Start with H
1. What are common 5 letter words that start with H?
There are many five-letter words that start with the letter H. Some common are “hotel”, “humor”, “hydro”, “habit”, “hands”, “handy”, “heads”, “heals”, “height”, “heirs”, “hence”, “hockey”, “hoody” and “horse”.
2. What are 5 letter words that start with “h” and end with “y”?
There are several five letter words that start with “h” and end with “y”. Some examples include happy, handy, hefty, hasty, hulky, huggy, hunky, hotty, hoppy and hoary. Each of these words has a unique meaning and can be used in different contexts.
5 Letter Words that Start with H and Examples
- House – “I’m going to my friend’s house for dinner tonight.”
- Human – “The human body is a complex system of organs and tissues.”
- Happy – “I’m so happy that I passed my exam!”
- Hello – “Hello, how are you doing today?”
- Heavy – “That box is too heavy for me to lift.”
- Haste – “I wrote the report in haste and made some mistakes.”
- Honor – “It’s an honor to be invited to speak at this event.”
- Hilly – “The road to the cabin is steep and hilly.”
- Hilar – “The comedian’s jokes were so funny, they had the audience in hysterical laughter.”
- Heist – “The thieves planned a heist to rob the bank of its cash and jewels.”
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Abdnasir hassan
Wednesday 29th of March 2023
Thanks your so much for your teaching us and helping students I like words and example