Are you a fan of Wordle or Scrabble? In this article, we will explore the world of 5 letter words that start with N. So, let’s dive in and discover what they are!
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words that Start with N
5 letter words that start with N are words that contain the letter N at the beginning. Some examples of 5 letter words starting with N include naked, naive, norse, nurse, nabby, nancy and nurse.
You might need:
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with A
- Nabla
- Naira
- Nakfa
- Nalla
- Namma
- Nanna
- Nanua
- Nappa
- Narra
- Natya
- Nduja
- Nelia
- Nenta
- Neosa
- Neoza
- Nerka
- Netta
- Nigga
- Nigua
- Ninja
- Ninta
- Nioza
- Nitta
- Noema
- Nonda
- Nonna
- Noria
- Norma
- Nouja
- Novia
- Nsima
- Nubia
- Nucha
- Nulla
- Nyala
- Nyssa
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with B
- Nabob
- Najib
- Nawab
- Neemb
- Nikab
- Niqab
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with C
- Naric
- Nemic
- Nomic
- Nonic
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with D
- Naiad
- Naked
- Naled
- Namad
- Named
- Naped
- Narod
- Naved
- Neeld
- Newed
- Nicad
- Niced
- Nided
- Nitid
- Nixed
- Noded
- Nomad
- Nosed
- Noted
- Nould
- Nowed
- Noyed
- Nuked
- Nused
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with E, F
- Nache
- Nacre
- Naeve
- Naice
- Naive
- Nance
- Nante
- Nappe
- Narre
- Neafe
- Neche
- Neele
- Neese
- Neeze
- Nefie
- Neive
- Nerve
- Neume
- Newie
- Niche
- Niece
- Nieve
- Nifle
- Nigre
- Nisse
- Nitre
- Nixie
- Noble
- Noeme
- Noire
- Noise
- Nolle
- Nonce
- Noone
- Noose
- Noove
- Norie
- Noule
- Novae
- Nudge
- Nudie
- Nugae
- Nuque
- Nurse
- Nyuse
- Nyuze
- Nyaff
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with G
- Nying
- Nyong
- Nyung
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with H
- Napoh
- Natch
- Nauch
- Neath
- Neigh
- Nikah
- Ninth
- North
- Notch
- Nudzh
- Nymph
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with I
- Naevi
- Nanti
- Nashi
- Negri
- Neski
- Nimbi
- Nisei
- Nkosi
- Nmoli
- Nomoi
- Noshi
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with K
- Namak
- Natak
- Nebek
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with L
- Nahal
- Nasal
- Natal
- Naval
- Navel
- Nawal
- Nebel
- Neral
- Nerol
- Nevel
- Newel
- Nexal
- Nicol
- Nidal
- Nihil
- Nital
- Nival
- Nivel
- Njirl
- Nodal
- Nogal
- Nonyl
- Nopal
- Notal
- Novel
- Noxal
- Nujol
5 Letter Words that Start with N | Image
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with M
- Nabam
- Neram
- Nexum
- Ngram
- Nizam
- Nodum
- Notam
- Notum
- Novum
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with N
- Nason
- Nexin
- Ninon
- Nisin
- Niton
- Nomen
- Nonan
- Nucin
- Numen
- Nylon
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with O, P
- Nacho
- Naieo
- Nanto
- Napoo
- Narco
- Nasho
- Natto
- Neato
- Negro
- Niopo
- Nitro
- Nitto
- Nondo
- Nonno
- Novio
- Nuevo
- Nullo
- Nutso
- Netop
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with R
- Nadir
- Nagar
- Nagor
- Naker
- Namer
- Navar
- Nazar
- Nazir
- Neper
- Never
- Newer
- Nicer
- Nidor
- Niger
- Niner
- Niter
- Nixer
- Noser
- Nosir
- Noter
- Nuder
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with S
- Naams
- Naans
- Naats
- Nabes
- Nabis
- Nabks
- Nadas
- Naffs
- Nagas
- Nages
- Naibs
- Naids
- Naifs
- Naiks
- Nails
- Nains
- Naios
- Nakas
- Nalas
- Names
- Namus
- Nanas
- Nanos
- Nants
- Napas
- Napes
- Naras
- Narcs
- Nards
- Nares
- Naris
- Narks
- Nasis
- Nasus
- Nates
- Natis
- Naves
- Nazes
- Nazis
- Neals
- Neaps
- Nears
- Neats
- Necks
- Neebs
- Needs
- Neefs
- Neems
- Neeps
- Negus
- Neifs
- Nelis
- Nemas
- Nemns
- Nenes
- Neons
- Nerds
- Nerfs
- Nerks
- Nerts
- Nests
- Netas
- Netes
- Netts
- Neuks
- Neums
- Neves
- Nevis
- Nevus
- Newbs
- Newts
- Nexts
- Nexus
- Nicks
- Nides
- Nidus
- Niefs
- Niess
- Nifes
- Niffs
- Nighs
- Nilas
- Nills
- Nimbs
- Nimps
- Nines
- Nipas
- Nirls
- Nisus
- Nites
- Nivas
- Nixes
- Nmols
- Noahs
- Nocks
- Nodes
- Nodus
- Noels
- Noggs
- Noias
- Noils
- Noirs
- Nokes
- Noles
- Nolls
- Nolos
- Nomas
- Nomes
- Nomos
- Nonas
- Nones
- Nongs
- Nonis
- Noobs
- Noois
- Nooks
- Noons
- Noops
- Noris
- Norks
- Norms
- Noses
- Notes
- Nougs
- Nouls
- Nouns
- Noups
- Novas
- Nowds
- Nowls
- Nowts
- Noxas
- Noxes
- Noyes
- Nudes
- Nuffs
- Nukes
- Nulls
- Numbs
- Numps
- Nunks
- Nunus
- Nurds
- Nurls
- Nurrs
- Nurts
- Nuses
- Nyams
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with T
- Naunt
- Neant
- Neist
- Nempt
- Nepit
- Nicht
- Night
- Nipet
- Noint
- Nonet
- Nooit
- Noust
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with U
- Nairu
- Nandu
- Nikau
- Noyau
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with W
- Navew
- Nohow
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with Y
- Nabby
- Naggy
- Naily
- Nancy
- Nanny
- Nanty
- Nappy
- Narky
- Nasty
- Natty
- Navvy
- Nazzy
- Nebby
- Neddy
- Needy
- Nelly
- Nerdy
- Nervy
- Nesty
- Netty
- Nevvy
- Newly
- Newsy
- Nibby
- Nicey
- Nicky
- Niffy
- Nifty
- Nimby
- Ninny
- Nippy
- Nirly
- Nitry
- Nitty
- Nobby
- Nobly
- Noddy
- Noggy
- Noily
- Noisy
- Noncy
- Nonny
- Nooky
- Nosey
- Nouny
- Noway
- Nowty
- Nubby
- Nuddy
- Nudgy
- Nully
- Nummy
- Nunky
- Nunny
- Nurdy
- Nutsy
- Nutty
5 Letter Words that Start with N and End with Z
- Namaz
- Nertz
- Nurtz
5 Letter Words that Start with N in the Sentences
- Night – “I like to read at night before going to bed.”
- Nurse – “The nurse took my temperature and blood pressure.”
- Never – “I never want to see that movie again.”
- Noise – “The noise from the construction site was very loud.”
- North – “We drove north for three hours to get to the lake.”
- Niece – “My niece is coming to visit us next week.”
- Nasty – “The food at that restaurant was really nasty.”
- Noble – “The king was a noble and just ruler.”
- Nerve – “It took a lot of nerve for him to speak up in front of the group.”
- Novel – “I just finished reading a really good novel.”
- Noisy – “The party next door was very noisy last night.”
- Naked – “I felt naked without my phone.”
- Ninth – “He finished ninth in the race.”
- Nerve – “He had a nerve to ask for a raise after being late every day.”
- Niche – “She found her niche in the marketing department.”
FAQs on 5 Letter N Words
What are some common 5 letter words that start with N?
Some common 5 letter words that start with N include nouns, names, notes, needs, nerve, never, and nasty. These words are commonly used in everyday language and can be found in various contexts, such as in literature, conversation, and business.
What are 5 letter words that start with N for kids?
here are many 5 letter words that start with the letter N that would be great for kids to learn. Some examples include “ninja”, “novel”, “naval”, “noble”, and “nymph”. These words are easy to spell and pronounce, and can help children expand their vocabulary and become more confident in their reading and writing skills.
Laurie Baker
Tuesday 11th of April 2023
These letters are so nice, let me learn so many letters, thank you very much.