Are you looking for a complete list of 5 letter words that start with S? In this article, we will explore a fascinating world of words that start with the letter “s” and have only five letters. So, sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of five-letter words starting with “s”!
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words that Start with S
5 letter words that start with S are 5 letter words that contain the letter S at the beginning. There are many 5 letter words that start with the letter S. Some examples include: smile, sound, sugar, spicy, and shiny.
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with A
- Sabra
- Sacra
- Saiga
- Salpa
- Salsa
- Samba
- Sanga
- Sauna
- Scena
- Schwa
- Scuba
- Scuta
- Selva
- Senna
- Sensa
- Sepia
- Septa
- Shiva
- Sigma
- Silva
- Sirra
- Softa
- Spica
- Sputa
- Stela
- Stoma
- Stria
- Stupa
- Sulfa
- Summa
- Sunna
- Supra
- Surra
- Sutra
- Sutta
- Sylva
- Sabha
- Sadza
- Saeta
- Sakia
- Sansa
- Saola
- Sauba
- Scala
- Scapa
- Scopa
- Seiza
- Sella
- Senza
- Seria
- Serra
- Sessa
- Shaka
- Shama
- Shaya
- Sheva
- Shola
- Shuba
- Shura
- Sibia
- Sidha
- Sigla
- Signa
- Simba
- Sista
- Sitka
- Sloka
- Socia
- Sopra
- Sorda
- Sorra
- Sorta
- Spaza
- Spina
- Sposa
- Stipa
- Subha
- Suona
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with B
- Sahib
- Scrub
- Shrub
- Slurb
- Squab
- Squib
- Sahab
- Saheb
- Scrab
- Scrob
- Shlub
- Slubb
- Stilb
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with C
- Salic
- Sepic
- Serac
- Sodic
- Sonic
- Stoic
- Sumac
- Sadic
- Seric
- Siroc
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with D
- Sabed
- Salad
- Saned
- Sapid
- Sarod
- Sated
- Saved
- Sawed
- Sayid
- Scald
- Scend
- Scold
- Scrod
- Sered
- Sewed
- Sexed
- Shard
- Shend
- Sherd
- Shied
- Shoed
- Shred
- Sided
- Siped
- Sired
- Sited
- Sized
- Skald
- Skeed
- Skied
- Skyed
- Sloid
- Slojd
- Sloyd
- Slued
- Snood
- Soled
- Solid
- Sound
- Sowed
- Spaed
- Speed
- Spend
- Spied
- Spued
- Squad
- Squid
- Staid
- Stand
- Stead
- Steed
- Stied
- Stood
- Styed
- Sward
- Sword
- Synod
- Safed
- Salud
- Sanad
- Sared
- Sayed
- Scand
- Scaud
- Scind
- Seeld
- Sepad
- Shand
- Shoud
- Showd
- Sield
- Siled
- Sined
- Slaid
- Snead
- Sneed
- Snied
- Sored
- Sownd
- Spald
- Spard
- Spayd
- Speld
- Sprad
- Spred
- Sprod
- Stedd
- Stend
- Stond
- Strad
- Suped
- Sured
- Sused
- Sweed
- Syned
- Syped
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with E
- Sable
- Sabre
- Sadhe
- Saice
- Salve
- Saree
- Sarge
- Sauce
- Saute
- Scale
- Scape
- Scare
- Scene
- Scone
- Scope
- Score
- Scree
- Scute
- Sedge
- Segue
- Seine
- Seise
- Seize
- Selle
- Sense
- Sente
- Serge
- Serve
- Setae
- Shade
- Shake
- Shale
- Shame
- Shape
- Share
- Shave
- Shine
- Shire
- Shive
- Shone
- Shore
- Shote
- Shove
- Shute
- Sidle
- Siege
- Sieve
- Since
- Singe
- Siree
- Sixte
- Skate
- Skene
- Skite
- Skive
- Slake
- Slate
- Slave
- Slice
- Slide
- Slime
- Slipe
- Slope
- Slype
- Smaze
- Smile
- Smite
- Smoke
- Smote
- Snake
- Snare
- Snide
- Snipe
- Snore
- Soave
- Socle
- Solve
- Sonde
- Souse
- Space
- Spade
- Spake
- Spale
- Spare
- Spate
- Spice
- Spike
- Spile
- Spine
- Spire
- Spite
- Spode
- Spoke
- Spore
- Spree
- Sprue
- Spume
- Stade
- Stage
- Stake
- Stale
- Stane
- Stare
- State
- Stave
- Stele
- Stere
- Stile
- Stime
- Stipe
- Stoae
- Stoke
- Stole
- Stone
- Stope
- Store
- Stove
- Stupe
- Style
- Suave
- Sucre
- Suede
- Suite
- Surge
- Swage
- Swale
- Sware
- Swede
- Swine
- Swipe
- Swive
- Swore
- Sycee
- Sacre
- Saine
- Salle
- Salse
- Salue
- Sasse
- Sauve
- Sayee
- Sayne
- Scire
- Scobe
- Scote
- Scrae
- Scuse
- Seame
- Seare
- Sease
- Seaze
- Semee
- Semie
- Serre
- Shere
- Shite
- Shmoe
- Shope
- Shule
- Sidhe
- Sithe
- Skobe
- Skyre
- Skyte
- Slade
- Slane
- Slive
- Slove
- Sluse
- Smeke
- Smize
- Smore
- Snive
- Snoke
- Soare
- Solde
- Sonce
- Sonne
- Sonse
- Soole
- Soote
- Soree
- Souce
- Sowce
- Sowle
- Sowne
- Sowse
- Soyle
- Spane
- Spide
- Spule
- Spyre
- Squee
- Stede
- Steme
- Stire
- Stive
- Strae
- Stude
- Sture
- Styme
- Styre
- Styte
- Suete
- Sujee
- Swile
- Swire
- Swole
- Sybbe
- Syboe
- Sythe
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with F
- Scarf
- Scoff
- Scuff
- Scurf
- Serif
- Sheaf
- Shelf
- Skiff
- Sluff
- Sniff
- Snuff
- Spiff
- Spoof
- Staff
- Stiff
- Stuff
- Swarf
- Saunf
- Scaff
- Schif
- Skeef
- Skelf
- Skoff
- Snarf
- Sowff
- Swerf
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with G
- Scrag
- Shrug
- Slang
- Sling
- Slung
- Spang
- Sprag
- Sprig
- Sprug
- Squeg
- Staig
- Stang
- Sting
- Stung
- Suing
- Swang
- Swing
- Swung
- Scoog
- Scoug
- Scrog
- Sheng
- Skegg
- Smorg
- Speug
- Splog
- Sprog
- Stong
- Strag
- Strig
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with H
- Saith
- Sangh
- Sauch
- Saugh
- Selah
- Shush
- Sixth
- Skosh
- Slash
- Slosh
- Sloth
- Slush
- Smash
- Smith
- Snash
- Snath
- Sooth
- Sough
- South
- Staph
- Stash
- Stich
- Subah
- Surah
- Swash
- Swath
- Swish
- Swith
- Sylph
- Synch
- Synth
- Sawah
- Scath
- Shash
- Shish
- Sieth
- Sirih
- Sitch
- Slish
- Smush
- Snush
- Sokah
- Solah
- Sowth
- Spesh
- Sposh
- Stush
- Sulph
- Sumph
- Syrah
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with I
- Salmi
- Scudi
- Segni
- Sengi
- Senti
- Serai
- Shoji
- Soldi
- Solei
- Spahi
- Stoai
- Styli
- Sulci
- Sushi
- Swami
- Sabji
- Sabzi
- Sakai
- Sakti
- Samfi
- Sampi
- Satai
- Scapi
- Scifi
- Sehri
- Sensi
- Shchi
- Shiai
- Shogi
- Sigri
- Sinsi
- Sorbi
- Succi
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with K
- Samek
- Sculk
- Shack
- Shank
- Shark
- Sheik
- Shirk
- Shock
- Shook
- Shtik
- Shuck
- Skink
- Skulk
- Skunk
- Slack
- Slank
- Sleek
- Slick
- Slink
- Slunk
- Smack
- Smeek
- Smerk
- Smirk
- Smock
- Snack
- Snark
- Sneak
- Sneck
- Snick
- Snook
- Snuck
- Spank
- Spark
- Speak
- Speck
- Spick
- Spook
- Spunk
- Stack
- Stalk
- Stank
- Stark
- Steak
- Steek
- Stick
- Stink
- Stirk
- Stock
- Stook
- Stork
- Stuck
- Stunk
- Swank
- Swink
- Saick
- Sevak
- Shiok
- Shmek
- Shonk
- Skank
- Skrik
- Smaak
- Smaik
- Smeik
- Smick
- Snoek
- Snowk
- Spack
- Spelk
- Spink
- Spork
- Steik
- Stonk
- Strak
- Subak
- Sukuk
- Swack
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with L
- Salal
- Salol
- Scall
- Schul
- Scowl
- Scull
- Sepal
- Seral
- Setal
- Shall
- Shaul
- Shawl
- Sheal
- Shell
- Sheol
- Shiel
- Shill
- Shoal
- Shool
- Shorl
- Sibyl
- Sigil
- Sisal
- Skill
- Skirl
- Skoal
- Skull
- Small
- Smell
- Snail
- Snarl
- Snell
- Snool
- Sokol
- Sorel
- Sotol
- Spail
- Spall
- Speel
- Speil
- Spell
- Spiel
- Spill
- Spoil
- Spool
- Stall
- Steal
- Steel
- Still
- Stool
- Stull
- Sural
- Swail
- Swell
- Swill
- Swirl
- Sabal
- Samel
- Scail
- Segol
- Sewel
- Sheel
- Simul
- Sizel
- Skail
- Skell
- Skool
- Soral
- Spaul
- Spawl
- Speal
- Spial
- Spyal
- Steil
- Stell
- Swayl
- Sweal
- Sweel
- Swoll
- Sybil
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with M
- Sagum
- Satem
- Scram
- Scrim
- Scrum
- Sebum
- Sedum
- Seism
- Serum
- Shawm
- Skelm
- Smarm
- Sodom
- Solum
- Spasm
- Sperm
- Steam
- Storm
- Strum
- Swarm
- Sclim
- Shalm
- Shtum
- Skerm
- Sklim
- Sloom
- Slorm
- Smalm
- Spoom
- Steem
- Strim
- Stulm
- Stumm
5 Letter Words that Start with S | Image
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with N
- Sabin
- Salon
- Saran
- Sarin
- Sasin
- Satin
- Savin
- Scion
- Scorn
- Sedan
- Semen
- Serin
- Seton
- Seven
- Sewan
- Sharn
- Shawn
- Sheen
- Shewn
- Shoon
- Shorn
- Shown
- Shuln
- Siren
- Skean
- Skeen
- Skein
- Slain
- Solan
- Solon
- Sozin
- Spawn
- Spean
- Spoon
- Spurn
- Stain
- Stein
- Stern
- Swain
- Swoon
- Sworn
- Swoun
- Syren
- Saman
- Samen
- Sapan
- Sayon
- Scran
- Sdayn
- Sdein
- Seron
- Sewen
- Sewin
- Seyen
- Silen
- Skarn
- Skran
- Sloan
- Soken
- Soman
- Spain
- Starn
- Staun
- Stean
- Steen
- Stoln
- Stonn
- Stoun
- Stown
- Sudan
- Sugan
- Swoln
- Sycon
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with O
- Salvo
- Sambo
- Santo
- Schmo
- Scudo
- Secco
- Segno
- Servo
- Sexto
- Shako
- Sicko
- Sixmo
- Skimo
- Socko
- Soldo
- Sorgo
- Spado
- Steno
- Sulfo
- Saddo
- Salto
- Sango
- Sanko
- Sargo
- Sarvo
- Scroo
- Seppo
- Shero
- Shiso
- Shojo
- Skroo
- Slomo
- Smoko
- Songo
- Sorbo
- Sordo
- Sotto
- Sposo
- Stylo
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with P
- Salep
- Scalp
- Scamp
- Scarp
- Scaup
- Scoop
- Scrap
- Scrip
- Sculp
- Setup
- Sharp
- Sheep
- Shlep
- Sirup
- Situp
- Skelp
- Skimp
- Sleep
- Sloop
- Slump
- Slurp
- Sneap
- Snoop
- Stamp
- Steep
- Stirp
- Stomp
- Stoop
- Stoup
- Stowp
- Strap
- Strep
- Strip
- Strop
- Stump
- Sunup
- Swamp
- Sweep
- Swoop
- Syrup
- Sysop
- Salop
- Scorp
- Scoup
- Scowp
- Shtup
- Snoep
- Stoep
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with R
- Saber
- Sabir
- Safer
- Sager
- Saker
- Saner
- Sapor
- Satyr
- Saver
- Savor
- Sawer
- Sayer
- Scaur
- Scour
- Seder
- Senor
- Serer
- Sever
- Sewar
- Sewer
- Shear
- Sheer
- Shier
- Shirr
- Shoer
- Shyer
- Sieur
- Siker
- Simar
- Sitar
- Siver
- Sizar
- Sizer
- Skier
- Skirr
- Slier
- Slyer
- Smear
- Sneer
- Sober
- Sofar
- Solar
- Sonar
- Sopor
- Sorer
- Sowar
- Sower
- Spear
- Speer
- Speir
- Spier
- Spoor
- Stair
- Steer
- Stour
- Suber
- Sudor
- Sugar
- Super
- Surer
- Swear
- Sweer
- Sagar
- Sarir
- Saser
- Sater
- Sefer
- Segar
- Serir
- Seter
- Sevir
- Sexer
- Sexor
- Shiur
- Shtar
- Sider
- Siler
- Sixer
- Skear
- Skeer
- Skyer
- Sleer
- Smirr
- Smoor
- Soger
- Sohur
- Soler
- Spaer
- Spuer
- Starr
- Stear
- Stoor
- Suhur
- Sutor
- Sweir
- Syker
- Symar
- Syver
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with S
- Sabes
- Sacks
- Sades
- Sadis
- Safes
- Sagas
- Sages
- Sagos
- Saids
- Sails
- Sains
- Sakes
- Sakis
- Sales
- Salps
- Salts
- Samps
- Sands
- Sanes
- Sards
- Saris
- Sarks
- Saros
- Sates
- Satis
- Sauls
- Saves
- Saxes
- Scabs
- Scads
- Scags
- Scams
- Scans
- Scars
- Scats
- Scops
- Scots
- Scows
- Scuds
- Scums
- Scups
- Scuts
- Seals
- Seams
- Sears
- Seats
- Sects
- Seeds
- Seeks
- Seels
- Seems
- Seeps
- Seers
- Segos
- Seifs
- Selfs
- Sells
- Semes
- Semis
- Sends
- Septs
- Seres
- Serfs
- Setts
- Sexes
- Sexts
- Shads
- Shags
- Shahs
- Shams
- Shaws
- Shays
- Sheas
- Sheds
- Shews
- Shies
- Shims
- Shins
- Ships
- Shits
- Shivs
- Shoes
- Shogs
- Shoos
- Shops
- Shots
- Shows
- Shris
- Shuls
- Shuns
- Shuts
- Sials
- Sibbs
- Sices
- Sicks
- Sides
- Sifts
- Sighs
- Signs
- Sikes
- Silds
- Silks
- Sills
- Silos
- Silts
- Simas
- Simps
- Sines
- Sings
- Sinhs
- Sinks
- Sinus
- Sipes
- Sires
- Sises
- Sites
- Situs
- Sixes
- Sizes
- Skags
- Skats
- Skees
- Skegs
- Skeps
- Skews
- Skids
- Skies
- Skims
- Skins
- Skips
- Skits
- Skuas
- Slabs
- Slags
- Slams
- Slaps
- Slats
- Slaws
- Slays
- Sleds
- Slews
- Slims
- Slips
- Slits
- Slobs
- Sloes
- Slogs
- Slops
- Slots
- Slows
- Slubs
- Slues
- Slugs
- Slums
- Slurs
- Sluts
- Smews
- Smogs
- Smuts
- Snags
- Snaps
- Snaws
- Sneds
- Snibs
- Snips
- Snits
- Snobs
- Snogs
- Snots
- Snows
- Snubs
- Snugs
- Snyes
- Soaks
- Soaps
- Soars
- Socks
- Sodas
- Sofas
- Softs
- Soils
- Sojas
- Sokes
- Soles
- Solos
- Solus
- Somas
- Sones
- Songs
- Sooks
- Soots
- Sophs
- Soras
- Sorbs
- Sords
- Sores
- Sorns
- Sorts
- Sorus
- Soths
- Souks
- Souls
- Soups
- Sours
- Soyas
- Spaes
- Spams
- Spans
- Spars
- Spats
- Spays
- Specs
- Spews
- Spics
- Spies
- Spiks
- Spins
- Spits
- Spivs
- Spots
- Spuds
- Spues
- Spurs
- Stabs
- Stags
- Stars
- Stats
- Stays
- Stems
- Steps
- Stets
- Stews
- Sties
- Stirs
- Stoas
- Stobs
- Stops
- Stoss
- Stows
- Stubs
- Studs
- Stums
- Stuns
- Styes
- Subas
- Sucks
- Sudds
- Suers
- Suets
- Sughs
- Suits
- Sulks
- Sulus
- Sumos
- Sumps
- Sunns
- Supes
- Suras
- Surds
- Surfs
- Swabs
- Swags
- Swans
- Swaps
- Swats
- Sways
- Swigs
- Swims
- Swiss
- Swobs
- Swops
- Swots
- Syces
- Sykes
- Sylis
- Syncs
- Syphs
- Saags
- Sabos
- Sados
- Saics
- Saims
- Sairs
- Salas
- Salis
- Samas
- Sames
- Sangs
- Sants
- Sarus
- Sauts
- Sayas
- Sazes
- Scaws
- Scogs
- Scugs
- Sculs
- Scurs
- Scyes
- Seans
- Sechs
- Sedes
- Segas
- Seils
- Seirs
- Sekos
- Sekts
- Seles
- Semas
- Senas
- Senes
- Sents
- Serks
- Serrs
- Seths
- Sezes
- Shans
- Shaps
- Shets
- Shirs
- Shwas
- Sidas
- Siens
- Sijos
- Sikas
- Siles
- Simis
- Sinds
- Siris
- Sists
- Skaws
- Skeds
- Skens
- Skeos
- Skers
- Skets
- Skios
- Skofs
- Skogs
- Skols
- Skugs
- Skyfs
- Skyrs
- Slaes
- Slebs
- Sleys
- Smees
- Smirs
- Smits
- Smugs
- Smurs
- Snabs
- Snars
- Snebs
- Snees
- Snies
- Snigs
- Snods
- Sobas
- Socas
- Soces
- Sojus
- Solas
- Solds
- Sools
- Sooms
- Soops
- Soums
- Souts
- Sowfs
- Sowls
- Sowms
- Sowps
- Soxes
- Spads
- Spags
- Spaws
- Speks
- Speos
- Spets
- Spifs
- Spims
- Spods
- Spugs
- Stans
- Staps
- Staws
- Steds
- Stens
- Steys
- Stims
- Stogs
- Stots
- Stucs
- Sugos
- Suids
- Sukhs
- Sukis
- Sulls
- Sumis
- Sunis
- Sunks
- Sunts
- Sures
- Suses
- Susus
- Swads
- Swees
- Sweys
- Swies
- Swits
- Syeds
- Syens
- Synds
- Synes
- Sypes
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with T
- Sabot
- Saint
- Sault
- Sayst
- Scant
- Scart
- Scatt
- Scent
- Scoot
- Scout
- Shaft
- Shalt
- Sheet
- Shent
- Shift
- Shirt
- Shist
- Shoat
- Shoot
- Short
- Shott
- Shout
- Shunt
- Sight
- Skeet
- Skint
- Skirt
- Slant
- Sleet
- Slept
- Slipt
- Smalt
- Smart
- Smelt
- Smolt
- Snoot
- Snort
- Snout
- Spait
- Spelt
- Spent
- Spilt
- Spirt
- Splat
- Split
- Sport
- Spout
- Sprat
- Sprit
- Spurt
- Squat
- Start
- Stilt
- Stint
- Stoat
- Stopt
- Stout
- Strut
- Stunt
- Sturt
- Suint
- Swart
- Sweat
- Sweet
- Swept
- Swift
- Saist
- Salat
- Salet
- Salut
- Saunt
- Sceat
- Scrat
- Scuft
- Shakt
- Shart
- Sicht
- Sient
- Skart
- Skatt
- Skort
- Slart
- Sloot
- Sluit
- Smoot
- Smout
- Smowt
- Snift
- Snirt
- Souct
- Spalt
- Spart
- Speat
- Spect
- Spoot
- Squit
- Stent
- Stept
- Stoit
- Stott
- Suent
- Surat
- Swapt
- Swelt
- Swopt
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with U, V
- Sadhu
- Sajou
- Shoyu
- Snafu
- Samfu
- Sensu
- Statu
- Schav
- Skeev
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with W
- Screw
- Serow
- Shrew
- Sinew
- Squaw
- Straw
- Strew
- Strow
- Scraw
- Scrow
- Shrow
- Sprew
- Sybow
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with X
- Silex
- Salix
- Senex
- Sorex
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with Y
- Sadly
- Saggy
- Sally
- Salty
- Sandy
- Sappy
- Sarky
- Sassy
- Satay
- Saucy
- Saury
- Savoy
- Savvy
- Scaly
- Scary
- Seamy
- Sedgy
- Seedy
- Seely
- Seepy
- Sepoy
- Serry
- Shady
- Shaky
- Shaly
- Shily
- Shiny
- Showy
- Shyly
- Silky
- Silly
- Silty
- Sissy
- Sixty
- Skiey
- Skyey
- Slaty
- Slily
- Slimy
- Slyly
- Smoky
- Snaky
- Snowy
- Soapy
- Soddy
- Softy
- Soggy
- Sonly
- Sonny
- Sonsy
- Sooey
- Sooty
- Sophy
- Soppy
- Sorry
- Soupy
- Spacy
- Spicy
- Spiky
- Spiny
- Spiry
- Splay
- Spray
- Spumy
- Stagy
- Stimy
- Stogy
- Stony
- Story
- Stray
- Stroy
- Study
- Stymy
- Sudsy
- Suety
- Sulky
- Sully
- Sunny
- Surfy
- Surgy
- Surly
- Swamy
- Saddy
- Samey
- Sammy
- Savey
- Scody
- Scray
- Seity
- Selfy
- Selky
- Senvy
- Sesey
- Sicky
- Sidey
- Sinky
- Sippy
- Skivy
- Skody
- Slopy
- Smily
- Snary
- Snipy
- Soily
- Songy
- Sooky
- Souly
- Spewy
- Srsly
- Stary
- Stewy
- Stivy
- Subby
- Sucky
- Swaly
5 Letter Words that Start with S and End with Z
- Soyuz
- Spitz
- Scuzz
- Skeez
- Spazz
- Squiz
- Steez
- Swizz
Common 5 Letter Words that Start with S in the Sentences
- Study – I need to study for my upcoming exam.
- Sound – The sound of the waves was so relaxing.
- Scale – I need to weigh myself on the bathroom scale.
- Sport – My favorite sport is basketball.
- Store – I’m going to the store to buy some groceries.
- Scene – The scene of the accident was chaotic.
- Story – She loves to read stories before going to bed.
- Style – He has a unique sense of style.
- Space – There’s not enough space in the car for all of us.
- Stage – The actors are getting ready to go on stage.
- Stand – Please stand up and introduce yourself.
- Smile – Her smile lit up the room.
- Shape – This workout will help you get into shape.
- Start – Let’s start the meeting, we’re running out of time.
FAQs on 5 Letter S Words
What are some common 5 letter words that start with S?
Some common 5 letter words that start with S include: start, story, sound, sleep, sugar, sight, style, stage, scale, and smart. These words are frequently used in everyday language and can be found in various contexts, from describing a person’s personality traits to discussing a particular topic or situation.
What are 5 letter words that start with S for kindergarten?
There are many 5 letter words that start with S that are appropriate for kindergarten students. Some examples include snake, smile, socks, spoon, story, scare, silly, sound, sugar, and super. These words are important for building students’ vocabulary and developing their reading and writing skills.