A list of the most common 5 letter words with C! In the English language, five-letter words are an essential aspect of communication and vocabulary building. These compact words pack a lot of meaning and are widely used in daily conversations, writing, and reading. This article will highlight some of the most common five-letter words that contain the letter “c” in English.
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words with C
What are 5 letter words with C?
5 letter words with C are 5 letter words that contain the letter “C” at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. Whether you’re a language enthusiast, student, or native speaker, this list will certainly expand your knowledge and help you improve your vocabulary skills.
Words with Letters
- 2 letter words
- 3 letter words
- 4 letter words
- 5 letter words
- 6 letter words
- 7 letter words
- 8 letter words
Importance of Learning 5 Letter Words with C
- Improving vocabulary: This can be especially helpful when writing or speaking, as it will give you a larger pool of words to choose from, allowing you to convey your ideas more precisely.
- Preparing for standardized tests: By expanding your knowledge of five-letter words that contain the letter “c”, you can improve your chances of performing well on these tests and reaching your academic or career goals.
List of 5 Letter Words with C
5 letter words with C at the beginning
- Cabin
- Cable
- Cache
- Calif
- Canal
- Candy
- Canon
- Cargo
- Carol
- Carry
- Catch
- Cater
- Cause
- Cease
- Cedar
- Ceric
- Chain
- Chair
- Chalk
- Chaos
- Charm
- Chart
- Chase
- Cheap
- Check
- Cheek
- Cheer
- Chess
- Chest
- Chick
- Chief
- Child
- Chile
- Chill
- China
- Choir
- Chord
- Chose
- Chuck
- Chunk
- Cigar
- Cisco
- Civic
- Civil
- Claim
- Clash
- Class
- Clean
- Clear
- Clerk
- Click
- Cliff
- Climb
- Clock
- Close
- Cloth
- Cloud
- Coach
- Coast
- Cocoa
- Codec
- Colic
- Colon
- Color
- Comic
- Condo
- Conic
- Coral
- Corps
- Costa
- Couch
- Cough
- Could
- Count
- Court
- Cover
- Crack
- Craft
- Crane
- Crash
- Crawl
- Crazy
- Cream
- Creed
- Creek
- Creep
- Crept
- Crest
- Cried
- Cries
- Crime
- Crisp
- Cross
- Crowd
- Crown
- Crude
- Cruel
- Crush
- Crust
- Cubic
- Curry
- Curse
- Curve
- Cycle
- Cynic
- Caaed
- Cabal
- Cabas
- Cabby
- Caber
- Cabob
- Caboc
- Cabre
- Cacao
- Cacas
- Cacks
- Cacky
- Cacti
- Caddy
- Cadee
- Cades
- Cadet
- Cadge
- Cadgy
- Cadie
- Cadis
- Cadre
- Caeca
- Caese
- Cafes
- Caffe
- Caffs
- Caged
- Cager
- Cages
- Cagey
- Cagot
- Cahow
- Caids
- Cains
- Caird
- Cairn
- Cajon
- Cajun
- Caked
- Cakes
- Cakey
- Calfs
- Calid
- Calix
- Calks
- Calla
- Calle
- Calls
- Calms
- Calmy
- Calos
- Calpa
- Calps
- Calve
- Calyx
- Camas
- Camel
- Cameo
- Cames
- Camis
- Camos
- Campi
- Campo
- Camps
- Campy
- Camus
- Cando
- Caned
- Caneh
- Canes
- Canid
- Canna
- Canny
- Canoe
- Canso
- Canst
- Canti
- Canto
- Cants
- Canty
- Capas
- Capax
- Caped
- Caper
- Capes
- Capex
- Capiz
- Caple
- Capon
- Capos
- Capot
- Capri
- Capul
- Caput
- Carap
- Carat
- Carbo
- Carbs
- Carby
- Cardi
- Cards
- Cardy
- Cared
- Carer
- Cares
- Caret
- Carex
- Carks
- Carle
- Carls
- Carne
- Carns
- Carny
- Carob
- Carom
- Caron
- Carpe
- Carpi
- Carps
- Carrs
- Carse
- Carta
- Carte
- Carts
- Carve
- Carvy
- Casas
- Casco
- Cased
- Caser
- Cases
- Casks
- Caste
- Casts
- Casus
- Cates
- Catty
- Cauda
- Cauks
- Caulk
- Cauls
- Caums
- Caups
- Cauri
- Causa
- Caved
- Cavel
- Caver
- Caves
- Cavie
- Cavil
- Cavus
- Cawed
- Ceaze
- Cebid
- Cecal
- Cecum
- Ceded
- Cedes
- Cedis
- Ceiba
- Ceili
- Ceils
- Celeb
- Cella
- Celli
- Cello
- Cells
- Celly
- Celom
- Celts
- Cense
- Cento
- Cents
- Centu
- Ceorl
- Cepes
- Cerci
- Cered
- Ceres
- Cerge
- Ceria
- Cerne
- Ceroc
- Ceros
- Certs
- Cesse
- Cesta
- Cesti
- Cetes
- Cetyl
- Cezve
- Chaap
- Chaat
- Chace
- Chaco
- Chado
- Chads
- Chafe
- Chaff
- Chaft
- Chais
- Champ
- Chams
- Chana
- Chang
- Chank
- Chant
- Chape
- Chaps
- Chapt
- Chara
- Chard
- Chark
- Charr
- Chars
- Chary
- Chasm
- Chats
- Chava
- Chave
- Chavs
- Chawk
- Chawl
- Chaws
- Chaya
- Chays
- Cheat
- Cheba
- Cheet
- Chefs
- Cheka
- Chela
- Chelp
- Chemo
- Chems
- Chere
- Chert
- Cheth
- Chevy
- Chews
- Chewy
- Chiao
- Chias
- Chiba
- Chibs
- Chica
- Chich
- Chico
- Chics
- Chide
- Chiel
- Chiko
- Chiks
- Chili
- Chimb
- Chime
- Chimo
- Chimp
- Chine
- Ching
- Chink
- Chino
- Chins
- Chips
- Chirk
- Chirl
- Chirm
- Chiro
- Chirp
- Chirr
- Chirt
- Chiru
- Chiti
- Chits
- Chiva
- Chive
- Chivs
- Chizz
- Chock
- Choco
- Chocs
- Chode
- Choil
- Choke
- Choko
- Choky
- Chola
- Choli
- Cholo
- Chomp
- Choof
- Chook
- Choom
- Choon
- Chops
- Chore
- Choss
- Chota
- Chott
- Chout
- Choux
- Chowk
- Chows
- Chubs
- Chufa
- Chuff
- Chugs
- Chump
- Chums
- Churl
- Churn
- Churr
- Chuse
- Chute
- Chuts
- Chyme
- Chynd
- Cibol
- Cided
- Cider
- Ciels
- Ciggy
- Cilia
- Cills
- Cimar
- Cimex
- Cinch
- Cinct
- Cines
- Cinqs
- Cions
- Cippi
- Circa
- Circs
- Cires
- Cirri
- Cissy
- Cists
- Cital
- Cited
- Citee
- Citer
- Cites
- Cives
- Civet
- Civie
- Civvy
- Clach
- Clack
- Clade
- Clads
- Claes
- Clags
- Clair
- Clamp
- Clams
- Clang
- Clank
- Clans
- Claps
- Clapt
- Claro
- Clart
- Clary
- Clasp
- Clast
- Claut
- Clave
- Clavi
- Claws
- Clays
- Cleat
- Cleck
- Cleek
- Cleep
- Clefs
- Cleft
- Clegs
- Clems
- Clepe
- Clept
- Cleve
- Clews
- Clies
- Clift
- Clime
- Cline
- Cling
- Clink
- Clint
- Clipe
- Clips
- Clipt
- Clits
- Cloak
- Cloam
- Clods
- Cloff
- Clogs
- Cloke
- Clomb
- Clomp
- Clone
- Clonk
- Clons
- Cloop
- Cloot
- Clops
- Clots
- Clour
- Clout
- Clove
- Clown
- Clows
- Clubs
- Cluck
- Clued
- Clues
- Cluey
- Clump
- Clung
- Clunk
- Clype
- Cnida
- Coact
- Coady
- Coala
- Coals
- Coaly
- Coapt
- Coarb
- Coate
- Coati
- Coats
- Cobbs
- Cobby
- Cobia
- Coble
- Cobot
- Cobra
- Cobza
- Cocas
- Cocci
- Cocco
- Cocks
- Cocky
- Cocos
- Cocus
- Codas
- Coded
- Coden
- Coder
- Codes
- Codex
- Codon
- Coeds
- Coffs
- Cogie
- Cogon
- Cogue
- Cohab
- Cohen
- Cohoe
- Cohog
- Cohos
- Coifs
- Coign
- Coils
- Coins
- Coked
- Cokes
- Cokey
- Colas
- Colby
- Colds
- Coled
- Coles
- Coley
- Colin
- Colle
- Colls
- Colly
- Colts
- Colza
- Comae
- Comal
- Comas
- Combe
- Combi
- Combo
- Combs
- Comby
- Comer
- Comes
- Comet
- Comfy
- Comix
- Comma
- Comme
- Commo
- Comms
- Commy
- Compo
- Comps
- Compt
- Comte
- Comus
- Conch
- Coned
- Cones
- Conex
- Coney
- Confs
- Conga
- Conge
- Congo
- Conia
- Conin
- Conks
- Conky
- Conne
- Conns
- Conte
- Conto
- Conus
- Convo
- Cooch
- Cooed
- Cooee
- Cooer
- Cooey
- Coofs
- Cooks
- Cooky
- Cools
- Cooly
- Coomb
- Cooms
- Coomy
- Coons
- Coops
- Coopt
- Coots
- Cooty
- Cooze
- Copal
- Copay
- Coped
- Copen
- Coper
- Copes
- Copha
- Copra
- Copse
- Coqui
- Coram
- Corbe
- Corby
- Corda
- Cords
- Cored
- Corer
- Cores
- Corey
- Corgi
- Coria
- Corks
- Corky
- Corms
- Corni
- Corno
- Corns
- Cornu
- Corny
- Corse
- Corso
- Cosec
- Cosey
- Cosie
- Coste
- Costs
- Cotan
- Cotch
- Coted
- Cotes
- Cotta
- Cotts
- Coupe
- Coups
- Courb
- Courd
- Cours
- Couta
- Couth
- Coved
- Coven
- Coves
- Covet
- Covey
- Covin
- Cowal
- Cowan
- Cowed
- Cower
- Cowls
- Cowry
- Coxae
- Coxal
- Coxed
- Coxes
- Coxib
- Coyed
- Coyer
- Coyly
- Coypu
- Cozed
- Cozen
- Cozes
- Cozey
- Cozie
- Craal
- Crabs
- Crags
- Craic
- Craig
- Crake
- Crame
- Cramp
- Crams
- Crank
- Crans
- Crape
- Craps
- Crapy
- Crass
- Crave
- Craws
- Crays
- Craze
- Creak
- Credo
- Creds
- Creel
- Crees
- Crema
- Creme
- Crena
- Crepe
- Creps
- Crepy
- Cress
- Crewe
- Crews
- Crias
- Cribs
- Crick
- Crier
- Crimp
- Crims
- Crink
- Crins
- Crios
- Cripe
- Crips
- Crise
- Criss
- Crith
- Crits
- Croak
- Croci
- Crock
- Crocs
- Croft
- Crogs
- Cromb
- Crome
- Crone
- Cronk
- Crony
- Crook
- Crool
- Croon
- Crops
- Crore
- Crost
- Croup
- Crout
- Crowl
- Crows
- Croze
- Cruck
- Crudo
- Cruds
- Crudy
- Crues
- Cruet
- Cruft
- Crumb
- Crump
- Crunk
- Cruor
- Crura
- Cruse
- Crwth
- Cryer
- Cryne
- Crypt
- Ctene
- Cubby
- Cubeb
- Cubed
- Cuber
- Cubes
- Cubit
- Cucks
- Cudda
- Cuddy
- Cueca
- Cuffo
- Cuffs
- Cuifs
- Cuish
- Cukes
- Culch
- Culet
- Culex
- Culls
- Cully
- Culms
- Culpa
- Culti
- Cults
- Culty
- Cumec
- Cumin
- Cundy
- Cunit
- Cunny
- Cunts
- Cupel
- Cupid
- Cuppa
- Cuppy
- Cupro
- Curat
- Curbs
- Curds
- Curdy
- Cured
- Curer
- Cures
- Curet
- Curfs
- Curia
- Curie
- Curio
- Curli
- Curls
- Curly
- Curns
- Currs
- Cursi
- Curst
- Curvy
- Cusec
- Cushy
- Cusks
- Cusps
- Cuspy
- Cutch
- Cuter
- Cutes
- Cutey
- Cutie
- Cutin
- Cutis
- Cutty
- Cutup
- Cuvee
- Cuzes
- Cwtch
- Cyano
- Cyans
- Cyber
- Cycad
- Cycas
- Cyclo
- Cyder
- Cylix
- Cymae
- Cymar
- Cymas
- Cymes
- Cymol
- Cysts
- Cytes
- Cyton
- Czars
5 letter words with C in the middle
- Actor
- Acute
- Basic
- Beach
- Bench
- Black
- Block
- Brick
- Dance
- Exact
- Focus
- Force
- Grace
- Hence
- Local
- Logic
- Lucky
- Lunch
- Magic
- March
- Match
- Micro
- Music
- Occur
- Ocean
- Peace
- Piece
- Pitch
- Place
- Price
- Quick
- Reach
- Scale
- Scene
- Scope
- Score
- Shock
- Since
- Space
- Stick
- Stock
- Stuck
- Teach
- Thick
- Topic
- Touch
- Trace
- Track
- Truck
- Twice
- Uncle
- Voice
- Watch
- Which
- Abcee
- Accas
- Accha
- Accra
- Aecia
- Alcea
- Alces
- Alcid
- Alcos
- Ancho
- Ancle
- Ancon
- Arced
- Archi
- Arcos
- Arcus
- Ascon
- Ascot
- Ascus
- Aucht
- Bacca
- Bacco
- Baccy
- Bacha
- Bachs
- Backs
- Bacne
- Bacon
- Becke
- Becks
- Biccy
- Bicep
- Bices
- Bicky
- Bocca
- Bocce
- Bocci
- Boche
- Bocks
- Buchu
- Bucko
- Bucks
- Bucku
- Cacao
- Cacas
- Cache
- Cacks
- Cacky
- Cacti
- Cecal
- Cecum
- Cocas
- Cocci
- Cocco
- Cocks
- Cocky
- Cocoa
- Cocos
- Cocus
- Cucks
- Cycad
- Cycas
- Cycle
- Cyclo
- Daces
- Dacha
- Dacks
- Decad
- Decaf
- Decal
- Decan
- Decay
- Decim
- Decko
- Decks
- Decor
- Decos
- Decoy
- Decry
- Decyl
- Diced
- Dicer
- Dices
- Dicey
- Dicht
- Dicks
- Dicky
- Dicot
- Dicta
- Dicto
- Dicts
- Dictu
- Dicty
- Docht
- Docks
- Docos
- Docus
- Ducal
- Ducat
- Duces
- Duchy
- Ducks
- Ducky
- Escot
- Excel
- Faced
- Facer
- Faces
- Facet
- Facey
- Facia
- Facie
- Facto
- Facts
- Facty
- Fecal
- Feces
- Fecht
- Fecit
- Fecks
- Fices
- Fiche
- Fichu
- Ficin
- Ficos
- Ficta
- Ficus
- Focal
- Gecko
- Gecks
- Gucks
- Gucky
- Hacek
- Hacks
- Hacky
- Hecht
- Hecks
- Hicks
- Hocks
- Hocus
- Hucks
- Incas
- Incel
- Incog
- Incur
- Incus
- Incut
- Itchy
- Jacal
- Jacks
- Jacky
- Jocko
- Jocks
- Jocky
- Kacha
- Kacks
- Kecks
- Kicks
- Kicky
- Laced
- Lacer
- Laces
- Lacet
- Lacey
- Lacis
- Lacka
- Lacks
- Leccy
- Leche
- Licet
- Lichi
- Licht
- Licit
- Licks
- Loche
- Lochs
- Lochy
- Locie
- Locis
- Locks
- Locky
- Locos
- Locum
- Locus
- Luces
- Lucid
- Lucks
- Lucre
- Lycea
- Lycee
- Lycra
- Macaw
- Macca
- Maced
- Macer
- Maces
- Mache
- Machi
- Macho
- Machs
- Macka
- Macks
- Macle
- Macon
- Macro
- Macte
- Mecca
- Mecha
- Mechs
- Mecks
- Mecum
- Micas
- Miche
- Michi
- Micks
- Micky
- Micos
- Micra
- Mocap
- Mocha
- Mochi
- Mochs
- Mochy
- Mocks
- Mocky
- Mocos
- Mocus
- Mucho
- Mucid
- Mucin
- Mucko
- Mucks
- Mucky
- Mucor
- Mucro
- Mucus
- Nache
- Nacho
- Nacre
- Neche
- Necks
- Nicad
- Nicer
- Nicey
- Niche
- Nicht
- Nicks
- Nicky
- Nicol
- Nocks
- Nucha
- Nucin
- Occam
- Oicks
- Orcas
- Orcin
- Oscar
- Ouche
- Pacai
- Pacas
- Pacay
- Paced
- Pacer
- Paces
- Pacey
- Pacha
- Packs
- Packy
- Pacta
- Pacts
- Pecan
- Pechs
- Pecia
- Pecke
- Pecks
- Pecky
- Pical
- Picas
- Piccy
- Pichi
- Picks
- Picky
- Picon
- Picot
- Picul
- Pocan
- Poche
- Pocho
- Pocks
- Pocky
- Pucan
- Pucer
- Puces
- Pucka
- Pucks
- Raced
- Racer
- Races
- Rache
- Racks
- Racon
- Recap
- Recce
- Recco
- Reccy
- Recep
- Recks
- Recon
- Recta
- Recte
- Recti
- Recto
- Recur
- Recut
- Riced
- Ricer
- Ricey
- Riche
- Richt
- Ricin
- Ricks
- Roche
- Rocks
- Rocky
- Ruche
- Rucks
- Sacks
- Sacra
- Sacre
- Secco
- Sechs
- Sects
- Shchi
- Sices
- Sicht
- Sicko
- Sicks
- Sicky
- Socas
- Socko
- Socks
- Socle
- Succi
- Sucks
- Sucky
- Sucre
- Sycee
- Syces
- Sycon
- Tacan
- Taces
- Tacet
- Tache
- Tachi
- Tacho
- Tachs
- Tacit
- Tacks
- Tacky
- Tacos
- Tacts
- Techs
- Techy
- Tecta
- Tecum
- Tical
- Ticca
- Ticed
- Tices
- Tichy
- Ticks
- Ticky
- Tocks
- Tocky
- Tocos
- Tucks
- Ulcer
- Uncap
- Unces
- Uncia
- Uncos
- Uncoy
- Uncus
- Uncut
- Vacas
- Vacay
- Vacua
- Vacui
- Vacuo
- Vicar
- Vices
- Vichy
- Vicus
- Vocab
- Vocal
- Voces
- Wacke
- Wacko
- Wacks
- Wacky
- Wecht
- Wicca
- Wicks
- Wicky
- Yacca
- Yacht
- Yacka
- Yacks
- Yecch
- Yechs
- Yechy
- Yucas
- Yucca
- Yucch
- Yucko
- Yucks
- Yucky
- Zacks
- Zocco
5 letter words with C at the end
- Antic
- Aspic
- Attic
- Auric
- Baric
- Basic
- Boric
- Bronc
- Demic
- Duroc
- Ethic
- Folic
- Franc
- Gamic
- Genic
- Hemic
- Humic
- Iliac
- Iodic
- Ionic
- Lilac
- Linac
- Logic
- Lotic
- Lyric
- Lytic
- Mafic
- Magic
- Malic
- Manic
- Medic
- Melic
- Mimic
- Music
- Ontic
- Optic
- Panic
- Pubic
- Rebec
- Relic
- Runic
- Salic
- Serac
- Sodic
- Sonic
- Sumac
- Telic
- Tonic
- Topic
- Toric
- Toxic
- Triac
- Tunic
- Typic
- Umiac
- Vatic
- Xebec
- Xeric
- Acmic
- Adhoc
- Adunc
- Afanc
- Amnic
- Andic
- Areic
- Artic
- Asdic
- Aulic
- Azoic
- Blanc
- Bobac
- Caboc
- Ceric
- Ceroc
- Civic
- Codec
- Colic
- Comic
- Conic
- Cosec
- Craic
- Cubic
- Cumec
- Cusec
- Cynic
- Daric
- Doric
- Eniac
- Estoc
- Femic
- Funic
- Havoc
- Hylic
- Ictic
- Ileac
- Loric
- Ludic
- Mazac
- Memic
- Modoc
- Monic
- Naric
- Nemic
- Nomic
- Nonic
- Octic
- Ogmic
- Ohmic
- Oleic
- Orbic
- Orgic
- Oshac
- Osmic
- Planc
- Pudic
- Pyric
- Rabic
- Ridic
- Roric
- Sadic
- Sepic
- Seric
- Siroc
- Stoic
- Tabac
- Taroc
- Theic
- Tronc
- Ureic
- Usnic
- Varec
- Vinic
- Vraic
- Xenic
- Xylic
- Yogic
- Yonic
- Zamac
- Zebec
- Zymic
5 Letter Words with C with Meanings and Examples
Here are some five-letter words with “c” in them, along with definitions and examples:
- Calf – a young domestic cow or bull.
Example: The farmer raised several calves on his farm.
- Canal – a man-made waterway used for transportation, irrigation, or drainage.
Example: The Panama Canal is a famous canal that connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
- Chair – a piece of furniture with a back and legs used for sitting.
Example: He pulled out a chair and sat down at the table.
- Chalk – a soft, white, powdery substance made of calcium carbonate.
Example: The teacher used chalk to write on the blackboard.
- Chant – a repeated phrase or song sung rhythmically.
Example: The crowd at the game started a chant to cheer on their team.
- Clasp – a device used for fastening or holding things together.
Example: She fastened the necklace with a clasp.
- Clean – free from dirt, stains, or impurities.
Example: She cleaned the kitchen after dinner.
- Clash – a loud, discordant mixture of sounds.
Example: The clash of the cymbals was heard over the music.
- Cleat – a flat piece of metal or plastic with spikes or teeth, used for gripping.
Example: He tied the boat to the dock with a cleat.
- Cliff – a steep rock face or precipice.
Example: They hiked to the top of the cliff for a panoramic view of the valley.
In conclusion, there are many five-letter words with the letter “c” in them, covering a wide range of meanings and uses. From animals and man-made structures to furniture and everyday items, these words demonstrate the versatility and richness of the English language. Whether you’re looking for a word to describe a young domestic cow or a fastening device, you’re sure to find one that fits the bill among the words listed above.