5 letter words with V! In this article, we will delve into the world of five-letter words with “v” in English, uncovering their meanings and usage in everyday language.
Table of Contents
5 Letter Words with V
What are 5 Letter Words with V?
5 letter words with v are 5 letter words that contain the letter V at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. Let’s sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of “v” words!
Words with Letters
- 2 letter words
- 3 letter words
- 4 letter words
- 5 letter words
- 6 letter words
- 7 letter words
- 8 letter words
How to Learn 5 Letter Words with V?
- Play word games: Word games like Wordle, Scrabble or Words with Friends can be a great way to learn new words. Challenge yourself to use five-letter words with “v” in these games and try to learn their meanings as you play.
- Practice: The more you practice using five-letter words with “v” in your writing and speaking, the more comfortable you will become with them.
List of 5 Letter Words with V
5 Letter Words with V at the Beginning
- Vacas
- Vacay
- Vadas
- Vaded
- Vades
- Vadge
- Vagal
- Vague
- Vagus
- Vaids
- Vails
- Vaire
- Vairs
- Vairy
- Vajra
- Vakas
- Vakil
- Vales
- Valet
- Valid
- Valis
- Valli
- Valor
- Valse
- Value
- Valve
- Vamps
- Vampy
- Vanda
- Vaned
- Vanes
- Vanga
- Vangs
- Vants
- Vaped
- Vaper
- Vapes
- Vapid
- Vapor
- Varan
- Varas
- Varda
- Vardo
- Vardy
- Varec
- Vares
- Varia
- Varix
- Varna
- Varus
- Varve
- Vasal
- Vases
- Vasts
- Vasty
- Vatas
- Vatha
- Vatic
- Vatje
- Vatos
- Vatus
- Vauch
- Vault
- Vaunt
- Vaute
- Vauts
- Vawte
- Vaxes
- Veale
- Veals
- Vealy
- Veena
- Veeps
- Veers
- Veery
- Vegan
- Vegas
- Veggo
- Vegie
- Veils
- Veins
- Veiny
- Velar
- Velds
- Veldt
- Veles
- Vells
- Velum
- Venal
- Vends
- Vendu
- Veney
- Venge
- Venin
- Venom
- Venti
- Vents
- Venue
- Venus
- Verba
- Verbs
- Verde
- Verge
- Verra
- Verre
- Verry
- Versa
- Verse
- Verso
- Verst
- Verte
- Verts
- Vertu
- Verve
- Vespa
- Vesta
- Vests
- Vetch
- Veuve
- Veves
- Vexed
- Vexer
- Vexes
- Vexil
- Vezir
- Vials
- Viand
- Vibed
- Vibes
- Vibex
- Vibey
- Vicar
- Vices
- Vichy
- Vicus
- Video
- Viers
- Vieux
- Views
- Vifda
- Viffs
- Vigas
- Vigia
- Vigil
- Vigor
- Vilde
- Viler
- Villa
- Ville
- Villi
- Vills
- Vinal
- Vinas
- Vinca
- Vined
- Viner
- Vines
- Vinho
- Vinic
- Vinny
- Vinos
- Vints
- Vinyl
- Viola
- Viols
- Viper
- Viral
- Vired
- Vireo
- Vires
- Virga
- Virge
- Virgo
- Virid
- Virls
- Virtu
- Virus
- Visas
- Vised
- Vises
- Visit
- Visna
- Visne
- Visor
- Vista
- Visto
- Vitae
- Vital
- Vitas
- Vitex
- Vitro
- Vitta
- Vivas
- Vivat
- Vivda
- Viver
- Vives
- Vivid
- Vivos
- Vivre
- Vixen
- Vizir
- Vizor
- Vlast
- Vleis
- Vlies
- Vlogs
- Vobla
- Vocab
- Vocal
- Voces
- Voddy
- Vodka
- Vodou
- Vodun
- Voema
- Vogie
- Vogue
- Voice
- Voici
- Voids
- Voila
- Voile
- Voips
- Volae
- Volar
- Voled
- Voles
- Volet
- Volke
- Volks
- Volta
- Volte
- Volti
- Volts
- Volva
- Vomer
- Vomit
- Voted
- Voter
- Votes
- Vouch
- Voulu
- Vowed
- Vowel
- Vower
- Voxel
- Voxes
- Vraic
- Vrils
- Vroom
- Vrous
- Vrows
- Vuggs
- Vuggy
- Vughs
- Vughy
- Vulgo
- Vulns
- Vulva
- Vutty
- Vygie
- Vying
5 Letter Words with V in the Middle
- Advew
- Advew
- Aevum
- Aiver
- Alvar
- Anvil
- Arval
- Arvee
- Arvos
- Bavin
- Bevan
- Bevel
- Bever
- Bevor
- Bevvy
- Bivia
- Bivvy
- Bovid
- Cavas
- Caved
- Cavel
- Caver
- Caves
- Cavie
- Cavil
- Cavus
- Cives
- Civet
- Civic
- Civie
- Civil
- Civvy
- Coved
- Coven
- Cover
- Coves
- Covet
- Covey
- Covin
- Cuvee
- Daven
- Davit
- Devas
- Devel
- Devil
- Devis
- Devon
- Devos
- Devot
- Divan
- Divas
- Dived
- Diver
- Dives
- Divey
- Divis
- Divna
- Divos
- Divot
- Divvy
- Doved
- Doven
- Dover
- Doves
- Dovie
- Duvet
- Eaved
- Eaver
- Eaves
- Eeven
- Eever
- Eevns
- Elvan
- Elven
- Elver
- Elves
- Envoi
- Envoy
- Erven
- Ervil
- Favas
- Favel
- Faver
- Faves
- Favor
- Favus
- Fever
- Fiver
- Fives
- Fovea
- Gavel
- Gavot
- Gived
- Given
- Giver
- Gives
- Goved
- Goves
- Gyved
- Gyver
- Gyves
- Havan
- Havel
- Haven
- Haver
- Haves
- Havoc
- Hevea
- Hevel
- Hived
- Hiver
- Hives
- Hovea
- Hoved
- Hovel
- Hoven
- Hover
- Hoves
- Invar
- Inver
- Javas
- Javel
- Jived
- Jiver
- Jives
- Jivey
- Juves
- Juvie
- Kaval
- Kavas
- Kevel
- Kevil
- Kivas
- Laval
- Lavas
- Laved
- Laver
- Laves
- Lavra
- Lavvy
- Levas
- Levee
- Level
- Lever
- Leves
- Levin
- Levis
- Lived
- Liven
- Liver
- Lives
- Livid
- Livor
- Livre
- Lovat
- Loved
- Lovee
- Lover
- Loves
- Lovey
- Lovie
- Luvvy
- Maven
- Mavie
- Mavin
- Mavis
- Meved
- Meves
- Mivey
- Mivvy
- Moved
- Mover
- Moves
- Movie
- Muvva
- Naval
- Navar
- Naved
- Navel
- Naves
- Navew
- Navvy
- Nevel
- Never
- Neves
- Nevis
- Nevus
- Nevvy
- Nival
- Nivas
- Nivel
- Novae
- Novas
- Novel
- Novia
- Novio
- Novum
- Oaves
- Orval
- Pavan
- Pavas
- Paved
- Paver
- Paves
- Pavid
- Pavie
- Pavin
- Pavis
- Pavon
- Pavvy
- Pivos
- Pivot
- Povos
- Raved
- Ravel
- Raven
- Raver
- Raves
- Ravey
- Ravin
- Revel
- Revet
- Revue
- Rival
- Rivas
- Rived
- Rivel
- Riven
- River
- Rives
- Rivet
- Rivos
- Roved
- Roven
- Rover
- Roves
- Ruvid
- Saved
- Saver
- Saves
- Savey
- Savin
- Savor
- Savoy
- Savvy
- Sevak
- Seven
- Sever
- Sevir
- Siver
- Syver
- Tavah
- Tavas
- Taver
- Ulvas
- Urvas
- Veves
- Vivas
- Vivat
- Vivda
- Viver
- Vives
- Vivid
- Vivos
- Vivre
- Waved
- Waver
- Waves
- Wavey
- Wived
- Wives
- Woven
- Yeves
5 Letter Words with V at the End
- Ganev
- Schav
- Ollav
- Parev
- Indiv
- Kiruv
- Lulav
Using 5 Letter Words with V in the Sentences
- Venus – Venus is the second planet from the sun.
- Vital – Proper nutrition is vital for a healthy body.
- Visit – Let’s visit the museum this weekend.
- Value – The value of the antique vase is priceless.
- Vista – The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking vista.
- Voter – Every voter has the right to cast their ballot.
- Venue – The wedding reception was held at a beautiful venue.
- Vogue – The fashion industry sets the latest vogue trends.
- Vague – The instructions were vague and difficult to understand.
- Voice – His voice was hoarse after giving a long speech.
- Divan – The divan in the living room is a comfortable place to sit.
- Carve – She used a knife to carve the pumpkin for Halloween.
- Hovel – The homeless man lived in a small hovel on the street corner.
- Clover – The field was filled with clover.
- Seven – She won seven medals at the Olympic Games.
- River – The boat sailed down the river to reach the ocean.
- Groove – The music had a funky groove that made everyone dance.
- Oven – The cake is baking in the oven and will be ready soon.
- Evolve – The theory of evolution is widely accepted by scientists.
- Stove – He cooked dinner on the stove for his family.