Adjectives that Start with A! In this lesson, you will learn a list of common words that start with A in English with ESL picture and example sentences to help you enhance your vocabulary words.
Table of Contents
Adjectives that Start with A
List of Adjectives that Start with A
- Axiomatic
- Awkward
- Awful
- Awestruck
- Awesome
- Aware
- Awake
- Avid
- Average
- Avaricious
- Available
- Automatic
- Autocratic
- Autistic
- Authoritative
- Authentic
- Austrian
- Australian
- Austere
- Auspicious
- Audible
- Audacious
- Auburn
- Attractive
- Attentive
- Atrocious
- Atomic
- Athletic
- Atheistic
- Astute
- Astronomical
- Astrological
- Astounding
- Astonishing
- Asthmatic
- Assured
- Assuming
- Assorted
- Assiduous
- Assertive
- Aspiring
- Asian
- Ashamed
- Artsy
- Artless
- Artistic
- Artificial
- Articulate
- Arrogant
- Aromatic
- Aristocratic
- Arid
- Argumentative
- Argentinean
- Arduous
- Ardent
- Arched
- Arbitrary
- Aquatic
- Apt
- Appropriate
- Approachable
- Apprehensive
- Appreciative
- Applicable
- Appetizing
- Appealing
- Appalling
- Apathetic
- Anxious
- Antsy
- Anti-Social
- Antique
- Anticipatory
- Anticipatory
- Anterior
- Antagonistic
- Annual
- Annoying
- Annoyed
- Animating
- Animated
- Angry
- Angelic
- Ancient
- Anatomical
- Analytical
- Amusing
- Amused
- Amuck
- Ample
- Amorous
- Amok
- Amical
- Amicable
- Amiable
- American
- Ambulatory
- Ambivalent
- Ambitious
- Ambiguous
- Ambidextrous
- Amber
- Amazing
- Amateur
- Altruistic
- Alternative
- Aloof
- Alluring
- Alleged
- Alive
- Alike
- Alert
- Alcoholic
- Ajar
- Airy
- Airborne
- Ahead
- Agreeable
- Agonizing
- Agnostic
- Agile
- Aggressive
- Aggravating
- Ageless
- Aged
- Afraid
- Affordable
- Affectionate
- Affable
- Adverse
- Adventurous
- Advanced
- Adroit
- Adorable
- Admirable
- Adjoining
- Adjacent
- Adhesive
- Adherent
- Adept
- Addictive
- Addicted
- Adaptable
- Adamant
- Acute
- Actual
- Active
- Acrobatic
- Acrimonious
- Acrid
- Acoustic
- Acidic
- Achy
- Achieved
- Acerbic
- Accused
- Accurate
- Accountable
- Accomplished
- Accidental
- Accessible
- Acceptable
- Academic
- Abusive
- Abundant
- Absurd
- Abstracted
- Abstract
- Abstemious
- Absorbing
- Absorbed
- Absolute
- Absent
- Abrupt
- Abrasive
- Above
- Abounding
- Abortive
- Aboriginal
- Abominable
- Aboard
- Abnormal
- Abloom
- Able-Bodied
- Able
- Ablaze
- Abject
- Abiding
- Abhorrent
- Aberrational
- Aberrant
- Abed
- Abeam
- Abdominal
- Abashed
- Abandoned
- Abaft
Adjectives that Start with A with Examples
- It is an axiomatic fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy.
- The awkward boy I knew had metamorphosed into a tall, confident man.
- Jill gradually became aware of an awful smell.
- I could tell she was impressed by the awestruck expression on her face.
- The Niagara Falls are a truly awesome sight.
- She’s an avid reader of historical novels.
- He is wonderfully avaricious, devious and a genius at avoiding parting with even a sou, all to great comic effect.
- Our staff will be available to give you technical support.
- The heating system has automatic temperature control.
- The President resigned after 30 years of autocratic rule.
- The earlier an autistic child gets treatment, the better the chances of success.
- She has an authoritative manner that at times is almost arrogant.
- Actors dressed in authentic costumes re-enact the battle.
- Saccani’s excellent recording is an auspicious start to what promises to be a distinguished musical career.
- Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind.
- In 1996, President Clinton made an equally audacious promise.
- He surrounds himself with attractive, intelligent, or well-known people.
- Ministers should be more attentive to the needs of families.
- The visibility was atrocious, perhaps forty yards, and I could see nothing.
- They have been given college scholarships purely on athletic ability.
- He’s been offered an astronomical salary.
- For example, the current astrological signs each have positive and negative characteristics.
- I find it absolutely astonishing that you didn’t like it.
Learn more with adjectives that start with B in English.
Saturday 1st of August 2020
Hello! I am an actually autistic person and I think the word ’autistic’ should not be on the list. I feel like if neurotypical people see it they will say ”okay, well it's on this list so I can use it to describe my character even though they don't have the disability.” People already use the word to dehumanize and insult people and me and so many other autistic people are trying to change that. I hope you can take the step and help us teach others the correct meaning and use for the word, ’autistic’.