What are some common adjectives that start with E? This lesson provides a list of popular adjectives that start with E in English for ESL learners to expand their vocabulary words.
Table of Contents
Adjectives That Start with E
- Each
- Eager
- Eagle-Eyed
- Eared
- Earless
- Earlier
- Earliest
- Early
- Earlyish
- Earned
- Earnest
- Earsplitting
- Earthborn
- Earthbound
- Earthen
- Earthlike
- Earthly
- Earthy
- Easier
- Easiest
- East
- Eastbound
- Easterly
- Eastern
- Easternmost
- Eastmost
- Eastside
- Eastward
- Easy
- Easygoing
- Easy-Going
- Eatable
- Ebionite
- Ebon
- Ebony
- Ebracteate
- Ebullient
- Eccentric
- Ecclesiastic
- Eccrine
- Ecdemic
- Echoic
- Echoing
- Echoless
- Echolike
- Echt
- Eclectic
- Ecologic
- Ecological
- Econometric
- Economic
- Economical
- Economy
- Ecstatic
- Ectodermal
- Ectodermic
- Ectomorphic
- Ectopic
- Ectothermic
- Ectozoan
- Ecuadorian
- Ecumenic
- Ecumenical
- Edacious
- Edematous
- Edental
- Edentate
- Edentulate
- Edentulous
- Edgeless
- Edgy
- Edible
- Editable
- Editorial
- Educated
- Educational
- Educative
- Edwardian
- Eellike
- Eerie
- Eery
- Effaceable
- Effective
- Effectual
- Effeminate
- Efferent
- Effervescent
- Effervescing
- Effete
- Efficacious
- Efficient
- Efflorescent
- Effluent
- Effortful
- Effortless
- Effulgent
- Effusive
- Egalitarian
- Egg-Shaped
- Egocentric
- Egoistic
- Egoistical
- Egotistic
- Egotistical
- Egregious
- Egyptian
- Eidetic
- Eight
- Eighteen
- Eighteenth
- Eightfold
- Eighth
- Eighties
- Eightieth
- Eightpenny
- Eighty
- Einsteinian
- Elaborate
- Elaborated
- Elastic
- Elated
- Elating
- Elder
- Elderly
- Eldest
- Eldritch
- Elect
- Elected
- Elective
- Electoral
- Electric
- Electrical
- Electrifying
- Electrochemical
- Electrolytic
- Electronic
- Elegant
- Elegiac
- Elemental
- Elementalism
- Elementary
- Elephantine
- Elevated
- Eleven
- Eleventh
- Elfin
- Elfish
- Elflike
- Eligible
- Elite
- Elizabethan
- Ellipsoid
- Ellipsoidal
- Elliptic
- Elliptical
- Elongate
- Elongated
- Eloquent
- Elucidative
- Elusive
- Elvish
- Elysian
- Emaciated
- Emancipative
- Emarginate
- Emasculate
- Emasculated
- Embarrassed
- Embarrassing
- Embattled
- Embedded
- Embittered
- Emblematic
- Emblematical
- Embodied
- Emboldened
- Embolic
- Embonpoint
- Embossed
- Embroiled
- Embryologic
- Embryonal
- Embryonic
- Embryotic
- Emended
- Emergency
- Emergent
- Emerging
- Emeritus
- Eminent
- Emmetropic
- Emollient
- Emotional
- Emotionless
- Emotive
- Empathetic
- Empathic
- Emphasised
- Emphasized
- Emphatic
- Empiric
- Empirical
- Employable
- Employed
- Empowered
- Empty
- Empty-Handed
- Empurpled
- Empyreal
- Empyrean
- Emulous
- Enabling
- Enamored
- Enate
- Enatic
- Enceinte
- Enchained
- Enchanted
- Enchanting
- Enclosed
- Encomiastic
- Encouraged
- Encouraging
- Encrusted
- Encyclical
- Encysted
- Endangered
- Endearing
- Endemic
- Endemical
- Endergonic
- Endermatic
- Endermic
- Endless
- Endocentric
- Endocrinal
- Endocrine
- Endodontic
- Endoergic
- Endogenetic
- Endogenic
- Endogenous
- Endometrial
- Endomorphic
- Endoparasitic
- Endothelial
- Endothermal
- Endothermic
- Endovenous
- Endozoan
- Endozoic
- Endurable
- Enduring
- Energetic
- Energising
- Energizing
- Enervating
- Enfeebling
- Enforceable
- Enforced
- Engaged
- Engaging
- English
- English-Speaking
- Engorged
- Engraved
- Engrossed
- Engrossing
- Enhanced
- Enhancive
- Enigmatic
- Enigmatical
- Enjoyable
- Enkindled
- Enlarged
- Enlightened
- Enmeshed
- Enolic
- Enormous
- Enough
- Enraged
- Enraptured
- Ensiform
- Ensuant
- Ensuing
- Enteral
- Enteric
- Entertaining
- Enthralled
- Enthralling
- Enthused
- Enthusiastic
- Enticing
- Entire
- Entomologic
- Entozoan
- Entozoic
- Entrancing
- Entrenched
- Enumerable
- Enured
- Enviable
- Envious
- Environmental
- Enwrapped
- Enzootic
- Enzymatic
- Eolithic
- Eolotropic
- Eonian
- Eparchial
- Epenthetic
- Ephemeral
- Ephesian
- Epic
- Epical
- Epicarpal
- Epicene
- Epicurean
- Epicyclic
- Epicyclical
- Epideictic
- Epidemic
- Epidural
- Epigastric
- Epileptic
- Epilithic
- Epimorphic
- Epiphyseal
- Epiphysial
- Epiphytic
- Epiphytotic
- Episcopal
- Episodic
- Epistemic
- Epistolary
- Epithelial
- Epizoan
- Epizoic
- Epizootic
- Epochal
- Eponymic
- Eponymous
- Equable
- Equal
- Equanimous
- Equatorial
- Equestrian
- Equidistant
- Equine
- Equinoctial
- Equipoised
- Equipotent
- Equipped
- Equiprobable
- Equipt
- Equitable
- Equivalent
- Equivocal
- Eradicable
- Erasable
- Erasmian
- Erect
- Erectile
- Eremitic
- Eremitical
- Ergodic
- Ergonomic
- Ergotic
- Ergotropic
- Eristic
- Eristical
- Eritrean
- Eroding
- Erogenous
- Erose
- Erosive
- Erotic
- Errant
- Erratic
- Errhine
- Erroneous
- Errorless
- Error-Prone
- Ersatz
- Erstwhile
- Erudite
- Eruptive
- Erythroid
- Escalating
- Escaped
- Esoteric
- Especial
- Essene
- Essential
- Established
- Esteemed
- Esthetic
- Esthetical
- Estimable
- Estimated
- Estival
- Estonian
- Estranged
- Estranging
- Estrous
- Estuarial
- Estuarine
- Esurient
- Eternal
- Ethereal
- Ethical
- Ethiopian
- Ethnic
- Ethnical
- Etiolate
- Etiolated
- Etiologic
- Etiological
- Eucaryotic
- Euclidean
- Euclidian
- Eudaemonic
- Eudemonic
- Eugenic
- Eukaryotic
- Eulogistic
- Euphemistic
- Euphonic
- Euphonical
- Euphonious
- Euphonous
- Euphoriant
- Euphoric
- Eupneic
- Eupnoeic
- Eurafrican
- Eurasian
- Eurasiatic
- Eurocentric
- European
- Eutherian
- Eutrophic
- Evacuant
- Evaluative
- Evanescent
- Evangelic
- Evangelical
- Evangelistic
- Evaporable
- Evaporative
- Evasive
- Even
- Evenhanded
- Even-handed
- Even-Tempered
- Eventful
- Eventual
- Ever-Changing
- Evergreen
- Everlasting
- Ever-Present
- Every
- Everyday
- Evident
- Evidential
- Evidentiary
- Evil
- Evil-Minded
- Eviscerate
- Evitable
- Evocative
- Evolutionary
- Exact
- Exaggerated
- Exalted
- Exanimate
- Exaugural
- Exceeding
- Excellent
- Exceptionable
- Exceptional
- Excess
- Excessive
- Exchangeable
- Excitable
- Excitant
- Excitative
- Excitatory
- Excited
- Exciting
- Exclamatory
- Exclusive
- Excogitative
- Excrescent
- Excretory
- Exculpated
- Excursive
- Excusable
- Excusatory
- Execrable
- Executable
- Executive
- Exegetic
- Exegetical
- Exemplary
- Exempt
- Exergonic
- Exhausted
- Exhaustible
- Exhausting
- Exhaustive
- Exhibitionistic
- Exhilarating
- Exhortative
- Exhortatory
- Exigent
- Exiguous
- Exilic
- Existent
- Existential
- Existentialist
- Existing
- Exocentric
- Exocrine
- Exodontic
- Exoergic
- Exogamic
- Exogamous
- Exogenic
- Exogenous
- Exonerative
- Exorbitant
- Exoteric
- Exothermal
- Exothermic
- Exotic
- Expandable
- Expanded
- Expandible
- Expanding
- Expansible
- Expansile
- Expansive
- Expectable
- Expectant
- Expectantly
- Expected
- Expedient
- Expeditionary
- Expeditious
- Expendable
- Expensive
- Experienced
- Experient
- Experiential
- Experimental
- Expert
- Expiable
- Expiative
- Expiatory
- Expiratory
- Expired
- Expiring
- Explainable
- Explanatory
- Explicable
- Explicit
- Exploded
- Exploding
- Exploitative
- Exploitatory
- Exploited
- Exploitive
- Explosive
- Exponential
- Exportable
- Exposed
- Expositive
- Expository
- Express
- Expressed
- Expressible
- Expressive
- Exquisite
- Exsanguine
- Exsanguinous
- Extant
- Extemporary
- Extempore
- Extendable
- Extended
- Extendible
- Extensible
- Extensile
- Extensional
- Extensive
- Extenuating
- Exterior
- Exterminable
- External
- Exteroceptive
- Exterritorial
- Extinct
- Extinguishable
- Extirpable
- Extortionate
- Extra
- Extracellular
- Extractable
- Extractible
- Extradural
- Extra-Large
- Extralegal
- Extramarital
- Extramural
- Extraneous
- Extraordinary
- Extravagant
- Extraversive
- Extravert
- Extraverted
- Extreme
- Extremist
- Extricable
- Extrinsic
- Extropic
- Extrovert
- Extroverted
- Extrovertish
- Extrovertive
- Extrusive
- Exuberant
- Exultant
- Exuvial
- Eye-Catching
- Eyeless
- Eye-Popping
Adjectives That Start with E to Describe a Person
- Energetic: Full of vitality and enthusiasm.
- Empathetic: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
- Enthusiastic: Showing great excitement and interest.
- Ethical: Guided by principles of morality and fairness.
- Extroverted: Outgoing and socially confident.
- Easygoing: Relaxed and laid-back in temperament.
- Earnest: Sincere and genuine in intentions.
- Educated: Well-informed and knowledgeable.
- Efficient: Capable of accomplishing tasks with minimum wasted effort.
- Elegant: Graceful and stylish in appearance and behavior.
- Empowered: Having a sense of confidence and control over one’s life.
- Engaging: Charming and captivating in interactions with others.
- Enlightened: Possessing deep understanding and wisdom.
- Exuberant: Overflowing with energy, excitement, and joy.
- Expressive: Able to convey thoughts and emotions effectively.
- Exquisite: Exceptionally beautiful, delicate, or refined.
- Extraordinary: Remarkable or exceptional beyond the usual or ordinary.
- Extensive: Thorough and comprehensive in knowledge or experience.
- Extravagant: Lacking restraint in spending or indulging in luxury.
- Easy to talk to: Approachable and open to conversation.
Adjectives That Start with E to Describe a Place
- Enchanting: Delightfully charming and captivating.
- Exotic: Intriguingly foreign and unique.
- Expansive: Vast and wide-ranging in size or scope.
- Eclectic: Comprising a diverse range of styles or influences.
- Elevated: Located at a higher position or level.
- Enthralling: Captivating and engrossing, holding one’s attention.
- Exquisite: Beautifully crafted or refined, possessing exceptional quality.
- Enveloping: Surrounding and enclosing, creating a sense of immersion.
- Exciting: Full of energy, thrills, and interesting experiences.
- Enigmatic: Mysterious and difficult to understand or explain.
- Ephemeral: Transitory or short-lived, lasting for a brief period.
- Elevated: Raised or lifted, often providing a better view or perspective.
- Extravagant: Luxurious, excessive, or indulgent in a grand manner.
- Endearing: Inspiring affection, fondness, or warmth.
- Ethereal: Delicate, otherworldly, or heavenly in nature.
- Exhilarating: Thrilling, invigorating, and filled with excitement.
- Edgy: Trendy, daring, and slightly unconventional.
- Enriching: Adding value, knowledge, or meaning to one’s experience.
Adjectives That Start with E to Describe Food
- Exquisite: Delicately crafted or refined, possessing exceptional quality or taste.
- Exotic: Unusual or intriguingly foreign in flavor or ingredients.
- Energizing: Providing a boost of energy or revitalization.
- Enticing: Attractively appealing or tempting.
- Edible: Suitable or safe for consumption as food.
- Earthy: Having a natural, rustic, or down-to-earth flavor.
- Exquisite: Highly pleasing or enjoyable to the senses, particularly taste.
- Exuberant: Bursting with flavor, vibrancy, or richness.
- Effervescent: Sparkling or fizzy, often used to describe drinks.
- Enchanting: Delightfully charming or captivating in taste.
- Elegant: Graceful, refined, or sophisticated in presentation or taste.
- Exquisite: Exceptionally well-prepared or beautifully presented.
- Easy-to-eat: Convenient or hassle-free to consume.
- Enveloping: Filling and satisfying, providing a sense of comfort or satiety.
- Enriching: Nourishing or providing nutritional value.
- Ethnic: Reflecting the culinary traditions and flavors of a specific culture or region.
- Enjoyable: Pleasing or satisfying to eat, providing a positive dining experience.
Adjectives That Start with E to Describe Feelings and Emotions
- Ecstatic: Overwhelmingly joyful and enthusiastic.
- Euphoric: Intensely happy, elated, or blissful.
- Excited: Feeling eager, thrilled, or enthusiastic.
- Empowered: Feeling confident, capable, and in control.
- Enthusiastic: Filled with excitement and positive energy.
- Elated: Extremely joyful, delighted, or thrilled.
- Engaged: Fully involved, interested, or focused.
- Encouraged: Feeling motivated, inspired, or supported.
- Enamored: Infatuated or deeply in love.
- Embraced: Accepted, welcomed, or cherished.
- Empathetic: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others.
- Eager: Having a strong desire or enthusiasm for something.
- Excitable: Easily stirred up or prone to excitement.
- Emotional: Experiencing intense or heightened emotions.
- Exhilarated: Feeling invigorated, energized, or thrilled.
- Earnest: Sincere, genuine, or serious in emotions.
- Enraptured: Captivated or deeply absorbed by something.
- Exhausted: Feeling extremely tired, drained, or fatigued.
- Envious: Feeling jealous or covetous of someone else’s possessions, qualities, or achievements.
Adjectives That Start with E | Examples
- Easy – It’s easy to understand.
- Early – We arrived early for the meeting.
- Empty – The room was empty when we got there.
- Emotional – She was very emotional after watching the movie.
- Energetic – He’s an energetic person who never seems to tire.
- Enthusiastic – The children were very enthusiastic about the field trip.
- Exciting – The concert was so exciting!
- Excellent – The food at the restaurant was excellent.
- Expensive – The car was too expensive for us to buy.
- Extraordinary – The view from the top of the mountain was extraordinary.
- Extreme – The weather was extremely hot today.
- Exquisite – The painting was an exquisite masterpiece.
- Exuberant – She had an exuberant personality and always had a smile on her face.
- Eccentric – His eccentric behavior made people stare at him.
- Educated – She is a highly educated individual with multiple degrees.
- Efficient – The new system is more efficient than the old one.
- Elegant – She looked elegant in her black dress.
- Empathetic – She was empathetic towards the people in need.
- Entertaining – The movie was entertaining from start to finish.
- Ethical – The company prides itself on its ethical practices.
Adjectives That Start With E | Infographic
Adjectives That Start With E | Infographic 1
Adjectives That Start With E | Infographic 2