Adjectives that Start with S! In this article, you will learn a list of common adjectives that start with S in English with useful example sentences to help you expand your vocabulary words.
Table of Contents
Adjectives that Start with S
- Sagacious
- Sage
- Salubrious
- Salutary
- Sated
- Satiated
- Satisfactory
- Satisfied
- Satisfying
- Savvy
- Scintillating
- Scrumptious
- Scrupulous
- Seasonable
- Secure
- Seemly
- Sellable
- Sensational
- Sensible
- Sensuous
- Sentimental
- Seraphic
- Serendipitous
- Serene
- Shimmering
- Shining
- Shiny
- Shrewd
- Significant
- Silky
- Sincere
- Singular
- Sizzling
- Skilled
- Sleek
- Slinky
- Smashing
- Smiley
- Smiling
- Smoldering
- Smooth
- Snug
- Soaring
- Soft
- Soothing
- Sophisticated
- Sought-after
- Soulful
- Spacious
- Sparkly
- Special
- Spectacular
- Speedy
- Spellbinding
- Spicy
- Spiffy
- Spirited
- Splashy
- Splendid
- Springy
- Spry
- Staggering
- Stately
- Statuesque
- Steady
- Steamy
- Stimulating
- Stirring
- Stout
- Strapping
- Striking
- Strong
- Studied
- Stunned
- Stunning
- Stupendous
- Sturdy
- Stylish
- Suave
- Sublime
- Substantial
- Subtle
- Successful
- Succulent
- Sugary
- Suggestive
- Suitable
- Sumptuous
- Sunkissed
- Sunny
- Super
- Superb
- Superhuman
- Superior
- Supple
- Supreme
- Sure-footed
- Svelte
- Swaggering
- Swanky
- Sweet
- Swift
- Swishing
- Swooping
- Saccharine
- Sacrilegious
- Sad
- Sagging
- Saggy
- Sallow
- Sanctimonious
- Savage
- Scabbed
- Scandalous
- Scarred
- Scary
- Scathing
- Scorching
- Scornful
- Scraggly
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Screeching
- Scummy
- Scurrilous
- Seditious
- Seedy
- Seething
- Senseless
- Severe
- Shabby
- Shaggy
- Shaky
- Shamefaced
- Sheepish
- Shifty
- Shocking
- Shoddy
- Short-lived
- Showy
- Shrieking
- Shrill
- Shriveled
- Simpering
- Simplistic
- Sinful
- Sinister
- Sisyphean
- Skeletal
- Sketchy
- Skimpy
- Slanderous
- Slimy
- Sloppy
- Sluggish
- Smarmy
- Smelly
- Smoggy
- Smothering
- Smug
- Snaggle-toothed
- Snaky
- Snarling
- Sneering
- Snide
- Sniffling
- Snippy
- Snoopy
- Snooty
- Snotty
- Soggy
- Solemn
- Solicitous
- Somber
- Sordid
- Sorrowful
- Sorry
- Soulless
- Sour
- Sparse
- Spectral
- Spiky
- Spine-chilling
- Spiritless
- Spiteful
- Splotchy
- Spoiled
- Spooky
- Spurious
- Squalid
- Squashed
- Squat
- Squawking
- Squealing
- Squinty
- Squished
- Stagnant
- Stained
- Stale
- Star-crossed
- Stark
- Starving
- Stealth
- Stereotypical
- Stiff
- Stifled
- Stifling
- Stigmatic
- Stilted
- Stinging
- Stinking
- Stinky
- Stodgy
- Stony
- Stormy
- Straggly
- Strange
- Stringent
- Stringy
- Stubby
- Stuffy
- Stumbling
- Stumpy
- Stuttering
- Subdued
- Subpar
- Subservient
- Subversive
- Suffering
- Sulky
- Sunken
- Suppressive
- Surly
- Suspect
- Suspicious
- Sweltering
- Swinish
- Swollen
- Safe
- Saffron
- Sagittal
- Salted
- Salty
- Salvadorean
- Salvageable
- Same
- Samoan
- Sandy
- Sanitary
- Sapphic
- Sapphire
- Sappy
- Satin
- Savory
- Scalding
- Scaly
- Scant
- Scarce
- Scared
- Scarlet
- Scenic
- Scented
- Scheduled
- Scientific
- Scratched
- Scruffy
- Sculpted
- Sealed
- Seamless
- Searching
- Seasonal
- Secluded
- Second-hand
- Secondary
- Secular
- Semi-precious
- Senile
- Sentient
- Separate
- Sepia
- Sequential
- Serbian
- Serpentine
- Serrated
- Seventh
- Shaded
- Shady
- Shaped
- Sharp
- Sharpy
- Shaved
- Sheer
- Shivering
- Shocked
- Short
- Silent
- Silver
- Similar
- Simple
- Simplified
- Simultaneous
- Sinewy
- Single
- Sinuous
- Sixth
- Sizable
- Skinny
- Sky-blue
- Slanted
- Slate-gray
- Sleepless
- Sleepy
- Slender
- Slick
- Slight
- Slim
- Slippery
- Sloped
- Sloping
- Slovak
- Slovenian
- Slow
- Slumberous
- Slumped
- Small-scale
- Smoked
- Smoky
- Smutty
- Snell
- Snow-white
- Snowy
- Soaking
- Socialist
- Solar
- Sole
- Solid
- Solitary
- Somali
- Somatic
- Somnial
- Sore
- Soundless
- South-eastern
- Southern
- South-western
- Spaced-out
- Spanish
- Spare
- Spattered
- Specific
- Speckled
- Speechless
- Sphenoid
- Spherical
- Spiraled
- Splattered
- Split
- Spoken
- Sporadic
- Spotless
- Spotty
- Spread-out
- Square
- Squeezable
- Squirmy
- Stable
- Stackable
- Stacked
- Standard
- Standardized
- Starched
- Startling
- Static
- Staticky
- Statistical
- Statutory
- Steaming
- Steel
- Steep
- Sterile
- Sticky
- Still
- Stocky
- Stooped
- Straight
- Straining
- Straw-like
- Streaked
- Strenuous
- Stretched
- Stretchy
- Striped
- Structural
- Stuffed
- Styled
- Subconscious
- Subjective
- Subliminal
- Subordinate
- Subsequent
- Substitute
- Subterranean
- Successive
- Sudanese
- Sudden
- Sufficient
- Sultry
- Sunburned
- Superlative
- Supernatural
- Supersonic
- Supposed
- Sure
- Surgical
- Surmountable
- Surprised
- Surprising
- Surreal
- Survivable
- Susceptible
- Suspected
- Sustainable
- Swaying
- Swazi
- Sweaty
- Swedish
- Sweeping
- Swiss
- Symbiotic
- Symbolic
- Symmetrical
- Symptomatic
- Synonymous
- Synthetic
- Syrian
- Systematic
- Sabbatical
- Sacred
- Saddled
- Sage
- Sallowish
- Salmon
- Samaritan
- Samoan
- Sanded
- Sandy
- Sapphire
- Sappy
- Satellite
- Satin
- Satire
- Savage
- Savant
- Savory
- Scented
- Scotch
- Scrubbed
- Seabound
- Seagoing
- Seared
- Seasick
- Seaside
- Seasoned
- Seated
- Seatless
- Seaworthy
- Secret
- Secretarial
- Secretory
- Sedative
- Sedentary
- Seedy
- Segmented
- Segregated
- Seldom
- Select
- Self-evident
- Senile
- Senior
- Senseful
- Sensual
- Sentient
- Septic
- Sequestered
- Serious
- Serving
- Sessional
- Set
- Seven
- Seventh
- Sexual
- Shady
- Sheepish
- Shelled
- Shifty
- Shocking
- Shooting
- Shrill
- Shuttered
- Shy
- Sided
- Sighted
- Signatory
- Significant
- Silly
- Silver
- Single
- Sinless
- Sizable
- Smirking
- Sacred
- Salaried
- Salvaged
- Sanctified
- Sane
- Sapient
- Savable
- Savant
- Schematic
- Scholarly
- Select
- Selected
- Senior
- Serious
- Sharpened
- Skillful
- Smart
- Smarter
- Smartest
- Smokeless
- Snappy
- Social
- Socratic
- Softening
- Soothed
- Sparkling
- Specialist
- Spiritual
- Stability
- Staid
- Standing
- Steadfast
- Strategic
- Sexless
- Sexual
- Sexy
- Shakable
- Shameful
- Shameless
- Shapeless
- Shaven
- Shifting
- Shiftless
- Shimmery
- Shivery
- Short-tempered
- Shrinkable
- Shuttered
- Shy
- Sick
- Sickened
- Sickening
- Sickish
- Side
- Sided
- Sightless
- Sigmoidal
- Signal
- Signed
- Silly
- Simplex
- Simulated
- Sinkable
- Sizeable
- Skeptical
- Sleeved
- Slicked
- Sliding
- Slighted
- Slightest
- Slighting
- Slimed
- Slivery
- Sloshed
- Slothful
- Slummy
- Slushy
- Small
- Smoking
- Smoothed
- Smoothened
- Smudged
- Smudgy
- Snafu
- Snappish
- Snarky
- Snazzy
- Sneak
- Sneaking
- Sneaky
- Sniffy
- Snobby
- Snoring
- Snub
- Sociological
- Sociopathic
- Sonorous
- Sorrowing
- Sounding
- Spangled
- Spastic
- Spatial
- Spavined
- Specifiable
- Specious
- Speculative
- Spendable
- Spermicidal
- Spinal
- Spiny
- Spiral
- Sandaled
- Sanded
- Sanguinary
- Sanguine
- Sanguineous
- Sanitized
- Sapid
- Sapiens
- Sapless
- Saponaceous
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Sartorial
- Sassy
- Satanic
- Satiable
- Satiric
- Satirical
- Saucy
- Scabby
- Scabrous
- Scalable
- Scalar
- Scalloped
- Scanty
- Scapular
- Scentless
- Sceptered
- Schismatic
- Scholastic
- Sciatic
- Scorbutic
- Scotch
- Scrappy
- Screechy
- Screwball
- Screwy
- Scrimpy
- Scriptural
- Scrotal
- Scrubbed
- Scrubby
- Sculptural
- Sculptured
- Scurfy
- Scurvy
- Seagoing
- Seamed
- Seamy
- Sear
- Seared
- Searing
- Seasoned
- Seaward
- Secretarial
- Secretive
- Sectional
- Sedative
- Seductive
- Sedulous
- Seeable
- Segmental
- Segregated
- Seismic
- Seldom
- Selective
- Self-absorbed
- Self-assured
- Self-centered
- Self-directed
- Self-disciplined
- Self-evident
- Selfish
- Selfless
- Self-reliant
- Semantic
- Semiaquatic
- Semiconscious
- Semiformal
- Semiliquid
- Seminal
- Semiofficial
- Semiotic
- Semipermeable
- Semiprecious
- Semite
- Semitic
- Semitropical
- Sensate
- Sensitive
- Sensual
- Sentential
- Sententious
- Separable
- Separated
- Separatist
- Sequent
- Sequestered
- Sequined
- Serial
- Serologic
- Serological
- Serviceable
- Sessional
- Setaceous
- Severable
- Several
- Sexist
- Softhearted
- Spontaneous
- Spunky
- Stingy
- Stubborn
- Studious
- Submissive
- Sullen
- Supportive
- Sardinian
- Screaming
- Seated
- Sedate
- Senegalese
- Sheltered
- Shuddering
- Sicilian
- Sinless
- Sitting
- Six
- Sixty
- Skanky
- Slovakian
- Slovenly
- Sober
- Soldierly
- Somalian
- Spent
- Startled
- Stung
- Stupid
- Sympathetic
- Sabine
- Sable
- Saclike
- Sacral
- Sacrificial
- Saddened
- Sadder
- Saddled
- Sadistic
- Saharan
- Sainted
- Salable
- Salacious
- Saleable
- Saline
- Salivary
- Salt
- Salvific
- Sanative
- Substantiated
- Sad
- Saddened
- Salty
- Sanctimonious
- Sarcastic
- Sardonic
- Sassy
- Scalding
- Scaly
- Scamp
- Scandalous
- Scant
- Scanty
- Scared
- Scarred
- Scary
- Scathing
- Scorching
- Scornful
- Scraggly
- Scratched
- Scratchy
- Scrawny
- Screaming
- Scruffy
- Scummy
- Seditious
- Selfish
- Senseless
- Shabbier
- Shabbiest
- Shabby
- Shallow
- Sham
- Shameful
- Showy
- Shrieking
- Sick
- Sickened
- Sickening
- Sickly
- Sidelined
- Sinister
- Skeptical
- Sketchy
- Skittish
- Slimy
- Sloppy
- Slow
- Sluggish
- Smelly
- Smoggy
- Smudged
- Snarling
- Sneaky
- Snide
- Snobbish
- Snooty
- Snoring
- Soggy
- Sole
- Sore
- Sorry
- Sparse
- Spasmodic
- Spastic
- Spattered
- Spineless
- Spiteful
- Splattered
- Splintered
- Spoiled
- Squirrelly
- Stagnant
- Stale
- Stark
- Stereotyped
- Stern
- Stiff
- Stilted
- Stinging
- Stingy
- Straggly
- Stranded
- Stressful
- Strict
- Stubby
- Stumbling
- Stunned
- Stuttering
- Subdued
- Submissive
- Subordinate
- Subservient
- Subversive
- Sullen
- Salient
- Satiny
- Scattered
- Scrabbled
- Scribbled
- Seasick
- Second
- Secret
- Secured
- Seeming
- Self-aggrandizing
- Self-confident
- Self-effacing
- Self-indulgent
- Self-interested
- Self-respect
- Self-satisfied
- Seven
- Shabbiest
- Shadowed
- Shadowy
- Shallow
- Shattered
- Shattering
- Shee
- Shintoist
- Short-term
- Shortsighted
- Shut
- Side-splitting
- Silver-tongued
- Simian
- Single-minded
- Skin-deep
- Skittish
- Slanting
- Sleeping
- Slow-moving
- Sly
- Small-minded
- Small-time
- Small-town
- Smaller
- Smallest
- Smeared
- Snapping
- Snobbish
- Soaked
- Sociable
- Some
- Sonic
- Sonly
- South
- Sparing
- Spasmodic
- Specialized
- Spendthrift
- Spineless
- Splashing
- Splintered
- Spongy
- Sporting
- Spotted
- Sprite
- Squandered
- Squashy
- Squatting
- Squeamish
- Squiggly
- Squirming
- Stanch
- Standoffish
- Status
- Staunch
- Stereophonic
- Stereotyped
- Stern
- Stilled
- Stock
- Stoic
- Straightforward
- Stranded
- Stressful
- Strict
- Strident
- Stronger
- Strongest
- Stuck-up
- Stylistic
- Subject
- Subtitled
- Such
- Super-sensitive
- Superabundant
- Supercilious
- Superficial
- Superstitious
- Surrealistic
- Syllabic
- Synergistic
- Syntactic
Adjectives that Start with S to Describe a Person
- Sincere – genuine, honest, and truthful
- Sophisticated – cultured, refined, and worldly
- Selfless – altruistic, unselfish, and generous
- Sensible – practical, logical, and reasonable
- Sensitive – empathetic, compassionate, and understanding
- Strong-willed – determined, resolute, and firm
- Sociable – outgoing, friendly, and gregarious
- Spontaneous – impulsive, adventurous, and unpredictable
- Smart – intelligent, knowledgeable, and clever
- Supportive – helpful, encouraging, and dependable
- Self-assured – confident, self-confident, and self-reliant
- Self-motivated – driven, ambitious, and self-starting
- Self-sufficient – independent, self-reliant, and self-supporting
- Sharp – quick-witted, astute, and perceptive
- Skilled – talented, proficient, and adept
- Societal – cooperative, collaborative, and community-oriented
- Spiritual – mindful, introspective, and contemplative
- Sporty – athletic, active, and energetic
- Stimulating – inspiring, motivating, and thought-provoking
- Stylish – fashionable, trendy, and chic.
Adjectives that Start with S to Describe Food
- Savory – having a pleasant, salty or spicy flavor
- Spicy – having a strong, pungent flavor with heat
- Sweet – having a pleasant taste of sugar or honey
- Sour – having a sharp, acidic taste
- Salty – having a taste of salt or minerals
- Smoky – having a flavor of smoke or char
- Succulent – juicy and tender
- Scrumptious – delicious and appetizing
- Satisfying – filling and fulfilling
- Subtle – having a delicate and nuanced flavor
- Spiked – having alcohol or other intoxicating substances
- Seasoned – flavored with herbs, spices, or other seasonings
- Sharp – having a strong, pungent taste
- Silky – having a smooth and creamy texture
- Sizzling – hot and crackling, like food cooked on a grill or in a pan
- Spongy – having a soft and porous texture, like a sponge
Adjectives that Start with S to Describe a Place
- Serene – calm, peaceful, and tranquil
- Scenic – picturesque, beautiful, and visually appealing
- Spacious – large, roomy, and expansive
- Secluded – private, hidden, and isolated
- Sunny – bright, warm, and cheerful
- Spectacular – impressive, stunning, and awe-inspiring
- Sparkling – shining, glittering, and radiant
- Sophisticated – elegant, refined, and cultured
- Safe – secure, protected, and free from danger
- Serendipitous – pleasantly surprising, unexpected, and fortunate
- Sacred – holy, revered, and spiritually significant
- Suburban – residential, quiet, and family-oriented
- Sprawling – extensive, widespread, and sprawling
- Seaside – located near or on the sea, coastal
- Striking – remarkable, notable, and impressive
- Secretive – mysterious, enigmatic, and shrouded in secrecy
- Squalid – dirty, rundown, and impoverished
- Spooky – eerie, creepy, and unsettling
- Stunning – breathtaking, magnificent, and beautiful
Adjectives that Start with S to Describe Feelings and Emotions
- Sad – feeling unhappy, sorrowful, or dejected
- Serene – feeling calm, peaceful, and tranquil
- Satisfied – feeling content, pleased, and fulfilled
- Sensitive – feeling empathetic, compassionate, and understanding
- Shy – feeling timid, reserved, and hesitant
- Surprised – feeling astonished, amazed, or shocked
- Scared – feeling afraid, frightened, or terrified
- Sorrowful – feeling grief, sadness, or mourning
- Secure – feeling safe, protected, and free from danger
- Sanguine – feeling optimistic, positive, and confident
- Stressed – feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or under pressure
- Sincere – feeling genuine, honest, and truthful
- Self-assured – feeling confident, self-confident, and self-reliant
- Self-aware – feeling conscious, mindful, and introspective
- Sympathetic – feeling supportive, caring, and kind
- Skeptical – feeling doubtful, suspicious, or questioning
- Solemn – feeling serious, somber, and dignified
- Sassy – feeling confident, bold, and lively
- Silly – feeling playful, lighthearted, and amusing
- Strong – feeling powerful, determined, and resilient.
Adjectives that Start with S with Examples
Learn example sentences of adjectives that start with S.
- Scenic – The drive along the coast was scenic and breathtaking.
- Sophisticated – The city’s architecture is sophisticated and elegant.
- Sincere – She gave a sincere apology for her mistake.
- Spacious – The apartment was spacious and had plenty of room for all of us.
- Sensitive – He is a sensitive person who can easily pick up on other people’s emotions.
- Strong-willed – She is a strong-willed person who never gives up easily.
- Stubborn – He is so stubborn that he never listens to anyone else’s opinions.
- Smart – She is a smart student who always gets good grades.
- Sarcastic – His sarcastic comments always make me laugh.
- Silly – The children were being silly and laughing uncontrollably.
- Serious – The situation was serious and required immediate attention.
- Spicy – The curry was spicy and made my mouth burn.
- Satisfied – After finishing the meal, I felt satisfied and full.
- Sorrowful – She was feeling sorrowful after the loss of her pet.
- Selfless – He is a selfless person who always puts others’ needs before his own.
- Stunning – The view from the top of the mountain was stunning and beautiful.
- Suspicious – The police were suspicious of the man’s behavior.
- Successful – She is a successful businesswoman who has built a successful career.
- Supportive – Her friends were supportive and encouraged her to pursue her dreams.
- Sassy – She has a sassy personality and always speaks her mind.
Learn more with words that start with S in English.