Besides new words, learning animal sounds is one of the funniest ways to learn English. Following is an interesting list of the accepted names used in English for animal sounds you might need to expand your vocabulary.
Table of Contents
Animal Sounds in English
Animals and their sounds in English in one table.
apes | gibber |
asses | bray |
bees | hum |
beetles | drone |
bears | growl |
bitterns | boom |
blackbirds | whistle |
blackcaps | we speak of the“chick-chick” of the blackcap |
bulls | bellow |
camels | grump |
canaries | sing or quaver |
cats | mew, purr, swear, and caterwaul |
calves | bleat and blear |
chaffinches | chirp or pink |
chickens | pip |
cicadæ | sing |
cocks | crow |
cows | moo or low |
crows | caw |
cuckoos | cry, cuckoo |
deer | bell |
dolphins | click |
donkeys | bray |
dogs | bark, bay, howl, and yelp |
doves | coo |
ducks | quack |
eagles | scream |
elephants | trumpet |
falcons | chant |
flies | buzz |
foxes | bark and yelp |
frogs | croak |
geese | cackle and hiss |
goldfinch | we speak of the “merry twinkle” of the female |
grasshoppers | chirp and pitter |
grouse | we speak of the “drumming” of the grouse |
guineafowls | cry “come back” |
guineapigs | squeak |
hares | squeak |
hawks | scream |
hens | cackle and cluck |
horses | neigh and whinny |
hyenas | laugh |
jackals | howl |
jays | chatter |
kittens | mew |
lambs | baa and bleat |
larks | sing |
linnets | chuckle in their call |
lions | roar |
magpies | chatter |
mice | squeak and squeal |
monkeys | chatter and gibber |
nightingales | pipe and warble |
owls | hoot and screech |
oxen | low and bellow |
parrots | talk |
peacocks | scream |
pigeons | coo |
pigs | grunt, squeak, and squeal |
puppies | yelp |
raccoons | chitter |
ravens | croak |
robins | chirp |
redstarts | whistle |
rooks | caw |
screech-owls | screech or shriek |
sheep | baa or bleat |
snakes | hiss |
sparrows | chirp or yelp |
stags | bellow and call |
swallows | |
swans | cry |
thrushes | whistle |
tigers | growl |
turkey-cocks | gobble |
vultures | scream |
whales | hum |
whitethroats | chirr |
wolves | howl |
Animal Sounds | Image

Musaab cabella
Sunday 25th of April 2021
Funny and useful informations