Animals that Start with E! In this article, you will learn a list of animal names that start with e in English with ESL picture and example sentences to help you enhance your vocabulary words.
Table of Contents
Animals that Start with E
List of Animals that Start with E
- Eagle
- Elephant
- Elk
- Eel
- Echidna
- Egret
- Emu
- Eland
- Ermine
- Eider
- Earthworm
- Earwig
- Elephant shrew
- Emperor penguin
- Eurasian red squirrel
- Eurasian wolf
- European common frog
- Eskimo dog
- Eurasian beaver
- Ethiopian wolf
- Echinoderm
- Eastern mole
- Eared seal
- Eagle ray
- Edible frog
- Eft
- Egyptian goose
- Electric eel
- Elephant seal
- Elf owl
- Emerald tree boa
- English setter
- European bison
- European mole
- European robin
- European wildcat
Animals that Start with E with Examples
Learn the list of animal names that start with A in English with examples.
- Eagle
The eagle hovered, ready to swoop at any moment.
- Elephant
The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.
- Elk
Look, here are some elk and here’s the camp, the hunting camp with tipis.
- Eel
He’s as slippery as an eel – you can never get a straight answer out of him.
- Echidna
It is one of only two mammals (the echidna is the other) that lay eggs.
- Egret
The cattle egrets hatched and reared two chicks and the white-faced tree ducks also two.
- Emu
This emu came from a local farm.
- Eland
The large and very heavy giant eland of forests and plains in western Africa looks more like an ox than an antelope.
- Ermine
A furry white ermine moth clung to one of the spikes.
- Eider
The feather trade in great auks, eider, and other sea birds has been mentioned earlier.
- Earthworm
The earthworm can regenerate if it’s cut in half.
- Earwig
Earwig is a kind of beetle.
- Elephant shrew
The black-and-rufous giant elephant shrew hid in his habitat and refused to come out for afternoon feeding.
- Emperor penguin
Emperor penguin chicks have a greyish down coat with dark wing and tail feathers, but this odd bird is all white.
- Eurasian red squirrel
The red squirrel or Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) is a species of tree squirrel in the genus Sciurus common throughout Eurasia.
- Eurasian wolf
The Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus lupus), also known as the common wolf or Middle Russian forest wolf, is a subspecies of grey wolf native to Europe and the forest and steppe zones of the former Soviet Union.
- European common frog
The other species examined was the European common frog, Rana temporaria.
- Eskimo dog
The American Eskimo Dog is intelligent, alert, and friendly, although slightly conservative.
- Eurasian beaver
The Eurasian beaver or European beaver is a beaver species that was once widespread in Eurasia but was hunted to near-extinction for both its fur and castoreum.
- Ethiopian wolf
Two of the main threats to the Ethiopian wolf come from diseases carried by domestic dogs.
- Echinoderm
However, different echinoderm species respond to ocean acidification in different ways, and the effects of rising temperatures can be as significant as those of rising carbon dioxide.
- Eastern mole
The eastern mole or common mole is a medium-sized, overall grey North American mole and the only member of the genus Scalopus.
- Eared seal
When it went ashore to breed or perhaps to bask in the sun, he proposes, Rodhocetus probably hitched itself around somewhat like a modern eared seal or sea lion.
- Eagle ray
Let’s draw the eagle ray now.