List of Adjectives! In this lesson, you will learn a huge list of adjectives in English with ESL pictures to expand your vocabulary.
Table of Contents
List of Adjectives
What is an adjective? An adjective is a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it. Learn a huge list of adjectives in English.
List of Adjectives: Feeling Adjectives
List of feeling adjectives:
- Amused
- Delighted
- Glad
- Pleased
- Charmed
- Grateful
- Optimistic
- Content
- Joyful
- Enthusiastic
- Loving
- Marvelous
- Annoyed
- Agitated
- Fed up
- Irritated
- Mad
- Critical
- Resentful
- Disgusted
- Outraged
- Raging
- Furious
- Livid
- Bitter
- Determined
- Inspired
- Creative
- Healthy
- Renewed
- Vibrant
- Strengthened
- Motivated
- Focused
- Invigorated
- Refreshed
- Mixed up
- Unsure
- Stuck
- Hurt
- Frozen
- Desperate
- Anxious
- Troubled
- Uncomfortable
- Stunned
- Sure
- Certain
- Unique
- Dynamic
- Tenacious
- Hardy
- Secure
- Empowered
- Ambitious
- Powerful
- Confident
- Bold
- Determined
- Depressed
- Desperate
- Dejected
- Heavy
- Crushed
- Disgusted
- Upset
- Hateful
- Sorrowful
- Mournful
- Weepy
- Frustrated
- Uncertain
- Upset
- Doubtful
- Uncertain
- Indecisive
- Perplexed
- Embarrassed
- Hesitant
- Shy
- Lost
- Unsure
- Pessimistic
- Tense
- Let down
- Tender
- Wounded
- Impaired
- Damaged
- Criticized
- Abused
- Crushed
- Punished
- Rejected
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 1
Adjectives List: Positive Words
Positive Adjectives List in English
- Accurate
- Agreeable
- Affectionate
- Ambitious
- Approachable
- Articulate
- Artistic
- Attractive
- Brave
- Calm
- Cautious
- Careful
- Charming
- Cheerful
- Clean
- Comfortable
- Confident
- Clever
- Cool
- Competent
- Considerate
- Contented
- Cultured
- Decisive
- Dependable
- Dynamic
- Direct
- Discreet
- Discontented
- Delightful
- Detailed
- Dedicated
- Determined
- Dazzling
- Easy-going
- Efficient
- Enthusiastic
- Excitable
- Faithful
- Fair
- Flexible
- Friendly
- Fun
- Funny
- Generous
- Gentle
- Great
- Generous
- Hard-working
- Happy
- Helpful
- Honest
- Humorous
- Imaginative
- Intelligent
- Interesting
- Kind
- Likable
- Logical
- Loveable
- Loving
- Loyal
- Mature
- Modest
- Obedient
- Open-minded
- Optimistic
- Organized
- Passionate
- Patient
- Pleasant
- Polite
- Positive
- Powerful
- Practical
- Quiet
- Romantic
- Relaxed
- Reserved
- Respectful
- Responsive
- Rational
- Realistic
- Reasonable
- Relaxed
- Reliable
- Resourceful
- Sane
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sincere
- Smart
- Sociable
- Strong
- Tactful
- Thoughtful
- Trustworthy
- Unique
- Willing
- Youthful
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 2
Adjectives List: Descriptive Adjective List
Learn synonyms of different words in English
- Enjoyable
- Pleasurable
- Courteous
- Lovely
- Likable
- Pleasing
- Gracious
- Congenial
- Cordial
- Admirable
- Considerate
- Amiable
- Charming
- Kind
- Neat
- Delightful
- Pleasant
- Astonishing
- Astounding
- Awesome
- Fabulous
- Fantastic
- Incredible
- Stupendous
- Unbelievable
- Wonderful
- Unimaginable
- Tremendous
- Unexpected
- Phenomenal
- Spectacular
- Stunning
- Overwhelming
- Remarkable
- Breathtaking
- Significant
- Staggering
- Brilliant
- Extraordinary
- Marvelous
- Prodigious
- Excellent
- Amazing
- Wonderful
- Pleasant
- Marvelous
- Exceptional
- Fantastic
- Super
- Outstanding
- Terrific
- Splendid
- Stupendous
- Amused
- Blissful
- Bright
- Charmed
- Cheerful
- Contented
- Delighted
- Eager
- Ecstatic
- Elated
- Enthusiastic
- Excited
- Exultant
- Glad
- Gleeful
- Hopeful
- Joyful
- Lively
- Loving
- Marvelous
- Merry
- Optimistic
- Over the moon (informal)
- Overjoyed
- Pleased
- Positive
- Satisfied
- Thrilled
Synonyms for Delicious in English.
- Appetizing
- Tasty
- Flavourful
- Delectable
- Scrumptious
- Mouth-watering
- Delish ( informal)
- Yummy (informal)
- Juicy
- Luscious
- Sympathetic
- Good/large/warm – hearted
- Generous
- Amiable
- Considerate
- Gentle
- Benign (formal)
- Gracious
- Benevolent
- Kindhearted
- Congenial
- Compassionate
- Caring
- Friendly
- Thoughtful
- Nice
- Good-natured
- Attentive
- Avuncular
- Awful
- Terrible
- Crummy
- Wack (slang)
- Crappy/ Shitty(slang)
- Rotten
- Naughty
- Dreadful
- Nasty
- Wicked
- Lousy
- Unpleasant
- Disagreeable
- Wretched
- Horrible
- Outrageous
- Despicable
- Disgraceful
- Tiny
- Petite
- Mini
- Teeny-weeny
- Pygmy (with animals)
- Little
- Slight
- Minute
- Skimpy
- Miniature
- Wee
- Diminutive
- Admire
- Adore
- Appreciate
- Cherish
- Enjoy
- Fancy
- Dote on
- Honour
- Respect
- Savor
- Like
- Wealthy
- Prosperous
- Affluent
- Well-off/better off (informal)
- Well-heeled
- Fat cat
- Flush
- Loaded (Slang)
- Well-to-do
- Opulent
- Deep-pocketed
- In the money
- Well-fixed
- Moneyed
- Amusing
- Comical
- Droll
- Entertaining
- Farcical
- Gleeful
- Good-humoured
- Goofy
- Hilarious
- Humorous
- Jocular
- Laughable
- Ludicrous
- Nonsensical
- Sidesplitting
- Whimsical
- Hysterical
- Witty
- Towering
- Huge
- Large
- Great
- Gigantic
- Immense
- Colossal
- Giant
- Massive
- Tremendous
- Enormous
- Mammoth
- Hefty
- Full
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 3
List of Adjectives: Describe People
Adjectives to describe someone’s appearance:
- Young
- Teenager
- Middle-aged
- Old
- In her/ his/early/mid/late 20s,30s
- Short
- Medium-height
- Tall
- Dwarf
- About…cm tall
- Of average height
- Slim
- Full-figured
- Slight
- Thin
- Fat
- Skinny
- Chubby
- Large
- Square
- Oval
- Round
- Triangular
- Heart-shaped
- Thin
- Wide
- Chiseled
- Large
- Small
- Round
- Bright
- Narrow
- Dark
- Hollow
- Tear-filled
- Thin
- Full lips/crooked
- Even teeth
- Large
- Straight
- Hooked
- Flat
- Tall
- Long
- Small
- Pointed
- Dark/fair
- Long/short
- Straight/curly
- Bald
- Blond/ginger/ brown
- Shoulder-length
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 4
Adjectives to Describe Yourself
- Accomplished
- Achiever
- Active
- Adaptable
- Adept
- Ambitious
- Analytical
- Articulate
- Artistic
- Assertive
- Attentive
- Balanced
- Broad-minded
- Candid
- Changeable
- Cheerful
- Committed
- Communicative
- Compassionate
- Competitive
- Confident
- Conscientious
- Consistent
- Constructive
- Controversial
- Cooperative
- Courageous
- Creative
- Curious
- Customer-oriented
- Dependable
- Devoted
- Diplomatic
- Direct
- Dynamic
- Easy going
- Eclectic
- Emotional
- Enterprising
- Enthusiastic
- Entrepreneurial
- Exciting
- Facilitator
- Fast
- Flexible
- Focused
- Forgiving
- Friendly
- Fun
- Funny
- Generous
- Genuine
- Good listener
- Green
- Hard worker
- Helpful
- Honest
- Imaginative
- Incredible
- Independent
- Individual
- Industrious
- Initiator
- Insightful
- Intelligent
- Intense
- Interesting
- Intuitive
- Inventive
- Knowledgeable
- Leader
- Literate
- Logical
- Logical
- Loyal
- Mature
- Mediator
- Meditative
- Methodical
- Modest
- Motivated
- Naive
- Objective
- Open-mindedness
- Optimistic
- Organised
- Original
- Outgoing
- Particular
- Passionate
- Patient
- Perceptive
- Persistent
- Personable
- Persuasive
- Pleasant
- Political
- Positive
- Powerful
- Practical
- Proactive
- Productive
- Professional
- Quality
- Quick
- Quirky
- Quixotic
- Racy
- Realistic
- Rebellious
- Reliable
- Resourceful
- Respectful
- Responsible
- Results-driven
- Results-oriented
- Self-disciplined
- Self-reliant
- Sense of humor
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sensuous
- Sincere
- Skilled
- Sociable
- Social consciousness
- Solid
- Sophisticated
- Sporty
- Stable
- Strong
- Successful
- Tactful
- Talented
- Team player
- Tenacious
- Thoughtful
- Tolerant
- Traditional
- Trustworthy
- Unconventional
- Understanding
- Unique
- Unselfish
- Upbeat
- Vibrant
- Warm
- Wise
- With integrity
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 5
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 6
Adjectives List: Opposite Adjectives
Learn a list of common opposite adjectives in English
- Slow – Fast
- Thick – Thin
- Straight – Curly
- Light – Heavy
- Loose – Tight
- Beautiful – Ugly
- Big – Small
- Strong – Weak
- Healthy – Sick
- Low – High
- Poor – Wealthy
- Brave – Cowardly
- Lazy – Hardworking
- Early – Late
- Selfish – Generous
- Happy – Unhappy
- Cold – Hot
- Dishonest – Honest
- Friendly – Unfriendly
- Patient – Impatient
- Tidy – Messy
- Pessimistic – Optimistic
- Careful – Careless
- Talkative – Taciturn
- Wide – Narrow
- Delicious – Awful
- Modern – Ancient
- Dark – Light
- Straight – Crooked
- Bad – Good
- Insane – Sane
- Thin – Fat
- Short – Tall
- Young – Old
- Dirty – Clean
- Soft – Hard
- Close – Far
- Easy – Difficult
- Deep – Shallow
- Distant – Near
- Cheap – Expensive
- Curly – Straight
- Small – Big
- Slow – Fast
- Bitter – Sweet
- Ugly – Beautiful
- Useful – Useless
- Top – Bottom
- Warm – Cool
- Thin – Thick
- Empty – Full
- White – Black
- True – False
- Safe – Dangerous
- Modern – Traditional
- Happy – Sad
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 7
Adjectives Examples |Infographic 8
Adjectives List: to Describe Food
Learn useful adjectives to describe FOOD in English.
- Acidic
- Bitter
- Burnt
- Buttery
- Cheesy
- Citrusy
- Creamy
- Eggy
- Fermented
- Fiery
- Fishy
- Flavorful
- Fresh
- Fried
- Herbal
- Hot
- Icy
- Infused
- Juicy
- Lemony
- Malty
- Mild
- Minty
- Moist
- Peppery
- Pickled
- Plain
- Rancid
- Raw
- Refreshing
- Ripe
- Roasted
- Rotten
- Rubbery
- Salty
- Savoury
- Seasoned
- Sharp
- Smokey
- Sour
- Spicy
- Stale
- Strong
- Sugary
- Tangy
- Tender
- Yeasty
- Zesty
List of Adjectives |Infographic 9
List of Adjectives | More Infographic
List of Adjectives |Infographic 10
List of Adjectives |Infographic 11
List of Adjectives |Infographic 12
Tuesday 8th of March 2022
Lots of repetitive words. ;( It seems like a lot but repeats at least thrice.
Wednesday 14th of April 2021
Hi guys my name is Akiko and I can’t see straight on google.
Friday 19th of March 2021
it is useful for me
Your mom
Monday 8th of February 2021
Im smarter then you
Tuesday 26th of January 2021
wow is helping me doing my school work