Most Common English Words! Following is a list of words that commonly used in the English language you should learn. Do you know the meaning of these words? Can you identify the nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs in this list?
Table of Contents
Most Common English Words
Learn a huge list of most common words in English.
Most Common English Words (A-H)
- Abundant
- Accept
- Accidentally
- Accurate
- Achieve
- Actor
- Add
- Addicted
- Admire
- Admit
- Adopt
- Adorable
- Adventurous
- Advertisement
- Advise
- Afraid
- Afternoon
- Aggressive
- Agree
- Airport
- Alcoholic
- Alert
- Allow
- Aloof
- Always
- Ambitious
- Ambulance
- Ancient
- Angrily
- Angry
- Animal
- Animated
- Announce
- Annoying
- Answer
- Anxious
- Apple
- Appreciate
- Approve
- Argue
- Army
- Arrive
- Arrogant
- Arrogantly
- Ashamed
- Ask
- Assist
- Attack
- Attractive
- Auspicious
- Australia
- Awesome
- Awful
- Bad
- Badly
- Bake
- Balloon
- Banana
- Bashful
- Bathe
- Battery
- Be
- Beach
- Beard
- Beat
- Beautiful
- Beautifully
- Become
- Bed
- Beg
- Behave
- Belgium
- Belligerent
- Beneficial
- Best
- Bet
- Big
- Bitter
- Bitterly
- Bizarre
- Black
- Blindly
- Blue
- Boast
- Boil
- Boldly
- Boring
- Borrow
- Boy
- Brainy
- Branch
- Bravely
- Breakfast
- Breathe
- Briefly
- Bright
- Bring
- Broad
- Broken
- Brother
- Build
- Burn
- Bury
- Busily
- Busy
- Buy
- Call
- Calm
- Camera
- Candle
- Capable
- Car
- Caravan
- Careful
- Carefully
- Careless
- Caring
- Carpet
- Cartoon
- Catch
- Cautious
- Certainly
- Challenge
- Change
- Charming
- Cheap
- Cheat
- Cheerful
- Chew
- China
- Choose
- Chubby
- Church
- Clap
- Clean
- Clean
- Clearly
- Clever
- Clumsy
- Cold
- Collect
- Colorful
- Comfortable
- Compare
- Complain
- Concerned
- Confess
- Confuse
- Confused
- Construct
- Control
- Copy
- Count
- Courageously
- Crayon
- Create
- Crowd
- Crowded
- Cruel
- Cruelly
- Cry
- Curious
- Curiously
- Curly
- Cute
- Daily
- Damage
- Damaged
- Dance
- Dangerous
- Dark
- Daughter
- Death
- Deep
- Defective
- Delicate
- Delicious
- Delightfully
- Deliver
- Denmark
- Depressed
- Destroy
- Determined
- Diamond
- Different
- Dinner
- Dirty
- Disagree
- Disease
- Disgusting
- Doctor
- Dog
- Drag
- Dream
- Dress
- Drive
- Drop
- Dry
- Dusty
- Early
- Earn
- Easily
- Easter
- Eat
- Educated
- Efficient
- Egg
- Eggplant
- Egypt
- Elderly
- Elegant
- Elephant
- Embarrassed
- Employ
- Empty
- Encourage
- Encouraging
- Energy
- Engine
- England
- Enjoy
- Enthusiastic
- Enthusiastically
- Establish
- Estimate
- Evening
- Eventually
- Exactly
- Excellent
- Excitedly
- Exciting
- Exercise
- Expand
- Expensive
- Explain
- Extremely
- Eye
- Fabulous
- Fair
- Fairly
- Faithful
- Faithfully
- Family
- Famous
- Fancy
- Fantastic
- Fast
- Fast
- Fear
- Fearful
- Fearless
- Feel
- Fertile
- Fight
- Filthy
- Find
- Finland
- Fish
- Flag
- Flower
- Fly
- Foolish
- Foolishly
- Football
- Forest
- Forget
- Forgetful
- Forgive
- Fortunately
- Fountain
- France
- Frankly
- Friendly
- Fry
- Funny
- Furniture
- Garage
- Garden
- Gas
- Gather
- Generally
- Generously
- Gentle
- Gently
- Get
- Ghost
- Girl
- Give
- Glamorous
- Glass
- Glorious
- Glow
- Gold
- Gorgeous
- Graceful
- Gracefully
- Grass
- Grateful
- Great
- Greece
- Greedy
- Green
- Greet
- Grow
- Guess
- Guitar
- Hair
- Hamburger
- Handsome
- Happily
- Happy
- Harass
- Harsh
- Hate
- Healthy
- Hear
- Heavy
- Helicopter
- Helmet
- Help
- Helpful
- Highly
- Hilarious
- Historical
- Hit
- Holiday
- Honestly
- Honey
- Hope
- Hopelessly
- Horrible
- Horse
- Hospital
- Hot
- House
- Huge
- Humorous
- Hungry
- Hydrogen
Most Common English Words (I-P)
- Ice
- Identify
- Ignorant
- Illegal
- Imaginary
- Immediately
- Impolite
- Important
- Impossible
- Innocent
- Innocently
- Insect
- Instantly
- Insurance
- Intelligent
- Interesting
- Interestingly
- Interrupt
- Introduce
- Iron
- Irritate
- Island
- Jackal
- Jealous
- Jealously
- Jelly
- Jewellery
- Jolly
- Jordan
- Joyfully
- Juice
- Juicy
- Jump
- Juvenile
- Kangaroo
- Keep
- Kick
- Kind
- Kindly
- King
- Kiss
- Kitchen
- Kite
- Knife
- Lamp
- Large
- Laugh
- Lawyer
- Lazily
- Learn
- Leather
- Leave
- Legal
- Lend
- Less
- Library
- Lie
- Light
- Lighter
- Like
- Lion
- Listen
- Literate
- Little
- Lively
- Lizard
- Lock
- London
- Lonely
- Lose
- Loud
- Loudly
- Love
- Lovely
- Lovingly
- Loyally
- Lucky
- Lunch
- Machine
- Macho
- Madly
- Magazine
- Magical
- Magician
- Magnificent
- Make
- Manchester
- Market
- Marry
- Massive
- Match
- Mature
- Mean
- Measure
- Meet
- Messy
- Microphone
- Modern
- Monkey
- More
- Morning
- Motorcycle
- Move
- Murder
- Mysteriously
- Nail
- Napkin
- Narrow
- Nasty
- Naturally
- Naughty
- Nearly
- Needle
- Nervous
- Nervously
- Nest
- Never
- New
- Nigeria
- Night
- Noisy
- Notebook
- Nutritious
- Obedient
- Obediently
- Obese
- Obey
- Obnoxious
- Ocean
- Offend
- Offer
- Officially
- Often
- Oil
- Old
- Open
- Openly
- Orange
- Overconfident
- Oxygen
- Oyster
- Painfully
- Paint
- Painting
- Parrot
- Patiently
- Pay
- Peaceful
- Pencil
- Piano
- Pick
- Pillow
- Pink
- Pizza
- Planet
- Plastic
- Play
- Polite
- Politely
- Poor
- Poorly
- Portugal
- Positively
- Potato
- Powerful
- Pray
- Precious
- Pretty
- Properly
- Proud
- Pull
- Punch
- Punish
- Purchase
- Push
Most Common English Words (Q-Z)
- Queen
- Quick
- Quickly
- Quiet
- Quietly
- Quill
- Quit
- Race
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Raincoat
- Rapid
- Rare
- Rarely
- Read
- Really
- Red
- Refrigerator
- Regularly
- Relax
- Reluctantly
- Remarkable
- Remember
- Repeatedly
- Reply
- Responsible
- Restaurant
- Retire
- Rich
- River
- Rocket
- Romantic
- Room
- Rose
- Royal
- Rub
- Rude
- Rudely
- Russia
- Sadly
- Safely
- Sandwich
- School
- Scintillating
- Scooter
- Secretive
- See
- Seldom
- Select
- Selfish
- Selfishly
- Sell
- Send
- Serious
- Seriously
- Shampoo
- Sharp
- Shiny
- Shocking
- Shoe
- Short
- Shy
- Silently
- Silly
- Sincere
- Sing
- Skinny
- Slim
- Slow
- Slowly
- Small
- Snore
- Soccer
- Soft
- Softly
- Sometimes
- Soon
- Spicy
- Spiritual
- Splendid
- Spoon
- Stand
- Stare
- Start
- Stink
- Stone
- Strictly
- Strong
- Study
- Successful
- Suddenly
- Sugar
- Surprisingly
- Sweden
- Sweep
- Sweet
- Sweetly
- Swim
- Take
- Talented
- Talk
- Tall
- Tasty
- Teach
- Teacher
- Tear
- Telephone
- Television
- Tell
- Tense
- Tent
- Terrible
- Terribly
- Terrific
- Thailand
- Thank
- Thankfully
- Thick
- Thin
- Thoughtfully
- Tiny
- Tomato
- Tomorrow
- Toothbrush
- Traffic
- Train
- Travel
- Truck
- Type
- Uganda
- Ugly
- Umbrella
- Understand
- Unexpectedly
- Unfortunately
- Unique
- Untidy
- Upset
- Urgently
- Use
- Usually
- Valiantly
- Van
- Vase
- Vegetable
- Very
- Victorious
- Violent
- Violently
- Visit
- Vulgar
- Vulture
- Wait
- Walk
- Wall
- Want
- Warm
- Warn
- Weak
- Wealthy
- Wed
- Weep
- Well
- Whale
- Wide
- Window
- Wink
- Wire
- Wise
- Wisely
- Witty
- Wonderful
- Worried
- Worry
- Write
- Xylophone
- Yacht
- Yak
- Yearly
- Yell
- Yesterday
- Young
- Youthful
- Zealous
- Zebra
- Zoo
Saturday 20th of March 2021
Thanks. This really helpful.
Monday 4th of January 2021
and i mean it thanks so much i can't thank u enough
Monday 4th of January 2021
hi thankks for the words im happy cause now i get to learn my mom and my brother english thank happy 2021
Tuesday 1st of December 2020
Monday 16th of November 2020
teching my sis
Monday 4th of January 2021
im teaching my brother