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Parts of the Brain: Different Parts of Brain and Their Functions

Parts of the Brain: Different Parts of Brain and Their Functions

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Parts of the Brain! In this lesson, you will learn different parts of the brain with ESL picture and example sentences to help you enhance your English vocabulary.

Parts of the Brain

Parts of Brain

Different parts of the brain:

  • Thalamus
  • Cerebral cortex
  • Corpus callosum
  • Occipital lobe
  • Cerebellar cortex
  • Cerebellum
  • Spinal cord
  • Pituitary gland
  • Middle brain
  • Pons
  • Medulla
  • Hipothalamus

Parts of Brain and Their Functions

There are three main parts of the brain: the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, each with multiple parts.

  • Cerebellum

Function: Cerebellum is, also known as the cerebral cortex, the largest part of the human brain, and it is associated with higher brain function such as thought and action.

Example sentence: The cerebellum, atop the brain stem, has many more, thanks to so many little granule cell neurons.

  • Thalamus

Function:  the primary role of the thalamus is to relay sensory information from other parts of the brain to the cerebral cortex

Example sentence: Putamen, thalamus and cerebellum were found to involve in the cognitive process of Chinese characters.

  • Cerebral cortex

Function: the outer layer of the cerebrum (the cerebral cortex), composed of folded gray matter and playing an important role in consciousness.

Example sentence: That seems to activate the cerebral cortex in the parietal lobes more than in the frontal lobes.

  • Corpus callosum

Function: The corpus callosum is a thick band of nerve fibers that divides the cerebral cortex lobes into left and right hemispheres. It connects the left and right sides of the brain allowing for communication between both hemispheres.

Example sentence: Note the contrast enhancement corpus callosum, indicating the probable route of speak of tumor between hemispheres.

  • Occipital lobe

Function: The occipital lobe is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain of mammals. The occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the mammalian brain containing most of the anatomical region of the visual cortex.

Example sentence:  Occipital lobe infarction is another important cause.

  • Cerebellar cortex

Function: cortex covering the cerebellum.

Example sentence: By means of stereology the authors have observed the development of the purkinje cells of cerebellar cortex in 35 fetuses of different ages.

  • Spinal cord

Function: The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular structure made up of nervous tissue, which extends from the medulla oblongata in the brainstem to the lumbar region of the vertebral column. It encloses the central canal of the spinal cord, which contains cerebrospinal fluid.

Example sentence: The vertebral column surrounds and protects the spinal cord.

  • Pituitary gland

Function: The hypophysis rests upon the hypophysial fossa of the sphenoid bone in the center of the middle cranial fossa and is surrounded by a small bony cavity (sella turcica) covered by a dural fold.

Example sentence: Growth hormone is a protein made in the pituitary gland at the base of the brain.

  • Pons

Function:  The primary role of the pons is to serve as a bridge between various parts of the nervous system, including the cerebellum and cerebrum.

Example sentence: The pons, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata composed the hindbrain.

  • Medulla

Function: The primary role of the medulla is regulating our involuntary life sustaining functions such as breathing, swallowing and heart rate. As part of the brain stem, it also helps transfer neural messages to and from the brain and spinal cord.

Example sentence: The thymic cortex and medulla developed completely at stage 16.

  • Hypothalamus

Function: The primary role of the hypothalamus is to regulate various functions of the pituitary gland and endocrine activity, as well as somatic functions e.g.body temperature, sleep, appetite.

Example sentence: The hypothalamus controls hormone secretions from the nearby pituitary gland.

Learn more about parts of the eye in English.

Parts of the Brain | Infographic

Parts of the Brain: Different Parts of Brain and Their Functions