Rhymes have many uses aside from poetry. Rhyming words can connect words together to form a relationship. Sometimes the rhyming accentuates similarity between the words. Other times rhymes emphasize a contrast. The repetition of rhymes also makes words more memorable and enhances the beauty of the writing.
Table of Contents
Rhyming Words
What Are Rhyming Words?
A rhyme is repeating a sound in the final syllable of a word or phrase in the final syllable of the following word or phrase. For example, “I was going to eat a macaroon, but it was whisked away by a pesky raccoon.” For words to rhyme, they don’t need to share the same sound in the beginning syllable(s), as long as the last syllable rhymes.
Words that Rhyme
Rhyming Animals
- Monkey, Donkey
- Raccoon, Baboon
- Shark, Lark
- Puffin, Dolphin
- Buzzard, Lizard
- Hamster, Warbler
- Eagle, Beagle
- Hare, Bear
- Duck, Buck
- Crustacean, Dalmatian
- Kangaroo, Caribou
- Gorilla, Chinchilla
- Snail, Quail
- Goose, Moose
- Sloth, Moth
Rhyming Body Parts
- Breast, Chest
- Thigh, Eye
- Lip, Hip
- Toes, Nose
- Tongue, Lung
- Shin, Chin
- Loin, Groin
- Eyelid, Bicuspid
Rhyming Clothes and Fabrics
- Belt, Felt
- Velvet, Helmet
- Suits, Boots
- Sock, Smock
- Mohair, Underwear
- Romper, Jumper
Rhyming Foods
- Ham, Lamb
- Toast, Roast
- Tomato, Potato
- Egg Yolk, Artichoke
- Pepperoni, Minestrone
- Sardines, Nectarines
- Wheat, Beet
- Turkey, Jerky
- Panini, Linguini
- Bread, Cheese Spread
- Trout, Beansprout
- Steak, Milkshake
- Romaine, Candy Cane
- Guacamole, Cannelloni
- Chickpeas, Cheese
- Flounder Fillet, Parfait
- Grapes, Crepes
- Toffee, Coffee
- Pita, Fajita
- Pies, Fries
- Bamboo Shoot, Grapefruit
- Mousse, Juice
- Thyme, Lime
Rhyming Interjections
- Gees, Please
- Oh, No
- Hey, Hurray
- Hurrah, Ha
- Mwah, Blah
- Ooh, Boo
- Wowie, Zowie
- Whoa, So
- Yay, No Way
- Aw, Naw
- Blech, Heck
- Feh, Eh
- Hmph, Umph
- Ick, Sick
- Oy, Oh Boy
- Pooh, Yoo-Hoo
- Er, Brr
- Tut-Tut
- Uh-Huh, Duh
Rhyming Letters and Numbers
- B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V, Z
- A, J, K
- 3 And B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V, Z
- 1, 21, 31…
- 2, 22, 32…
- 3, 23, 33…
- 4, 24, 34…
- 5, 25, 35…
- 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
- Million, Billion, Trillion, Zillion
Rhyming Musical Instruments and Terms
- Harp, Sharp
- Rock, Bach
- Band, Stand, Baby Grand
- Microphone, Baritone, Saxophone, Tone, Trombone, Xylophone
- Singalong, Gong
- Symphony, Tympani
- Clarinet, Quartet, Duet, Castanet, Minuet
- Rhyme, Chime
- Lyre, Choir
- Chord, Record
- Drum, Strum
- Guitar, Sitar
- Violin, Mandolin
- Soprano, Piano
- Sing, Swing, String
Rhyming Names
- Jane, Zane
- Jay, Ray
- Chloe, Joey
- Anna, Hannah
- Gary, Larry
- Gracie, Tracey
- Perry, Jerry
- Michelle, Brielle
- Mark, Clark
- Ella, Bella
Rhyming Onomatopoeia
- Clash, Crash
- Splash, Slash
- Boo-Hoo, Choo-Choo
- Moo, Boo
- Bam, Wham
- Twang, Clang
- Blurt, Spurt
- Oink, Boink
- Ding Dong, Ping Pong
- Vroom, Zoom
Rhyming Places
- Tasmania, Lithuania
- Liberia, Siberia
- Nebraska, Alaska
- Indianapolis, Minneapolis
- Daytona, Pomona
- Estonia, Macedonia
- Cuba, Aruba
- Boston, Austin
- Asia, Malaysia
- Tunisia, Indonesia
Rhyming Sports and Games
- Hiking, Biking
- Track, Blackjack
- Chess, Bench Press
- Curling, Baton Twirling
- Riding, Gliding
- Throwing, Rowing
- Pac-Man, Hangman
Words and Phrases that Rhyme with Themselves
- Yo-yo
- No-show
- Bless this mess
- Cat in the hat
- Holey moley
- Ready freddy
- Upsy daisy
- Highways and byways
- Willy nilly
- Nitty-gritty
Words that Rhyme with Me
- Harmony
- Destiny
- Honesty
- Travesty
- Melody
- Galaxy
- Infamy
- Pretty
- Epiphany
- Hastily
Words that Rhyme with You
- Guru
- Hullaballoo
- Bamboo
- True
- Ballyhoo
- Kangaroo
- Caribou
- Argue
- Choo-choo
- Renew
Words that Rhyme with Love
- Dove
- Glove
- Above
- Thereof
- Hereof
- Of
- Gove
- Cove
- Hove
- Drove
Words That Rhyme with Time
- Aim
- Crime
- Dime
- Fame
- Claim
- Fine
- Dine
- Assign
- Decline
- Overtime
Words That Rhyme with World
- Underworld
- Waterworld
- Otherworld
- Sunworld
- Westworld
- Carl
- Curl
- Churl
- Dreamworld
- Pearl
Words That Rhyme with Alone
- Bone
- Clone
- Flown
- Drone
- Atone
- Millstone
- Acetone
- Electrophone
- Lone
- Scone
Words That Rhyme with End
- Band
- Bland
- Bend
- Defend
- Reoffend
- Overspend
- Dividend
- Superintend
- Boyfriend
- Mend
Words That Rhyme with Away
- Obey
- Bray
- Drey
- Grey
- May
- Say
- Essay
- Runaway
- Underway
- Relay
Words That Rhyme with Again
- Brain
- Chain
- Drain
- Plain
- Strain
- Abstain
- Attain
- Vain
- Sprain
- Retain
Words That Rhyme with Heart
- Hart
- Fart
- Tart
- Apart
- Depart
- Mart
- Chart
- Start
- Part
- Clart
Words That Rhyme with Day
- Gray
- Bay
- Fay
- Yay
- Belay
- Coday
- Hurray
- Headway
- Workday
- Weekday
Words That Rhyme with Back
- Black
- Clack
- Flack
- Lack
- Sack
- Track
- Wrack
- Yack
- Zack
- Setback
Words That Rhyme with Blue
- Blew
- Brew
- Chew
- Few
- New
- Screw
- Bamboo
- Shampoo
- Taboo
- Yahoo
Words That Rhyme with Out
- Bout
- Clout
- Sprout
- About
- Breakout
- Devout
- Knockout
- Turnout
- Workout
- Turnabout
Words That Rhyme with More
- Fore
- Gore
- Lore
- Pore
- Ore
- Shore
- Snore
- Sore
- Store
- Tore
Words That Rhyme with Go
- Blow
- Bow
- Brow
- Flow
- Glow
- Grow
- Show
- Row
- Outgrow
- Overblow
Words That Rhyme with Girl
- Burl
- Curl
- Churl
- Earl
- Purl
- Uncurl
- Schoolgirl
- Showgirl
- Cowgirl
- Salesgirl
Rhyming Words | Images
Rhyming Words | Image 1
Rhyming Words | Image 2