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Synonyms and Antonyms of 160+ Common Words in English

Synonyms and Antonyms of 160+ Common Words in English

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Synonyms and Antonyms! In this lesson, you will learn synonyms and antonyms of common words in English.

Synonyms and Antonyms of Words

Synonyms of Words

Adult >>> grown person

After >>> following, succeeding

Aggressive  >>> hostile

Always  >>>  all the time

Apparent  >>> evident, obvious

Arrive >>> come

Artificial >>> false, insincere

Authentic >>> genuine

Awkward >>> unpleasant

Before >>> prior to, previous to

Believe >>> trust

Beneficial >>> advantageous

Brave >>> courageous

Brief  >>> short

Busy  >>> occupy

Calm  >>> still

Care >>> bother

Cease >>> stop, finish

Charming >>> delightful, pleasant

Chubby >>> plump

Close >>> end

Combine >>> integrate

Complex >>>compound

Comprehend >>> understand

Condemn >>> criticize

Confess >>> admit

Conflict >>> dispute

Conform >>> obey, follow

Congested >>> crowed, full

Conscientious >>> diligent

Consecutive >>> successive

Considerate >>> thoughtful

Contaminate >>> pollute

Continue >>> go on

Convenient  >>> suitable, appropriate

Correct  >>> right

Courteous >>> polite, well behaved

Cozy >>> warm, comfortable

Crazy >>> mad

Cry >>> weep

Dangerous >>> threatening

Dark >>> unlighted, black

Dead>>> passed away

Deduct  >>> subtract

Defy >>> escape, defeat

Demolish >>> destroy

Dense >>> thick, heavy

Deposit >>> prepayment

Despise >>> detest, hate

Destroy >>>demolish

Deter  >>> discourage

Die >>> pass away

Difficult >>> hard

Diminish >>> decrease

Disagree >>> contradict

Diverse >>> various

Docile >>> obedient

Doubt >>> uncertainty

Drastic >>> serious

Dry >>> withered

Dull >>> drab, dreary, somber

Early >>> advance

Eccentric >>> abnormal

Encourage >>> cheer, motivate

Enjoy >>> like

Enormous >>> huge, vast

Entirely >>> totally, fully

Evident >>> apparent, obvious

Exceptional  >>> abnormal, unusual

Exhilarated  >>> thrill

Exquisite >>> beautiful, lovely, elegant

Fast >>> quick

Feasible >>> possible

Few >>>  any

Fill >>> enough, sufficient, plenty

Follow >>> accompany

Former >>> prior

Frank >>> straight

Frigid >>> frozen, freezing

Full >>> filled

Gallant >>>  gentlemanly

Gaunt >>> skinny

Gentle >>> kind

Give >>> present

Gloomy >>> dark, shadowy

Good >>> wonderful, great

Gratitude >>> gratefulness

Hard >>> difficult

Help  >>> assist, aid

Hold >>> carry, keep

Hospitable >>> friendly

Huge >>> big, vast

Humiliate >>> embarrass, mortify, humble

Idle >>> lazy

Immature >>> childish

Impartial >>> neutral

Imperative >>> vital, crucial

Independent >>> individualistic

Insane >>> mad

Intelligent >>> clever

Internal >>> interior

Irrelevant >>> immaterial

Join >>> connect

Keep  >>> remain, stay

Large >>> big

Least  >>> smallest

Long  >>> prolonged

Magnify >>> enlarge

Maximum >>> highest

Mean >>> intend, aim

Migrant >>> immigrant

Minor >>> slight, small

Negligent >>> careless, irresponsible

Nice >>>pleasant

Numerous >>> many

Oblivious >>> unaware, unconscious

Observe >>> notice

Offend >>> upset

Optimistic >>> positive

Ordinary >>> usual, normal

Outstanding >>> excellent

Passive >>> submissive

Patience >>> tolerance

Perfect >>> ideal

Poor  >>> poverty-stricken

Possible >>> feasible

Precious >>> valuable

Premature >>> early

Preserve >>> conserve

Prevalent >>> common

Probable >>> likely

Profit >>> gain

Prominent >>> well known

Prosperous  >>>  flourishing, successful,

Push  >>> shove, thrust

Question >>>  inquiry, query

Quit >>> leave, stop

Radiant >>> bright

Relevant >>> pertinent

Reluctant >>> unwilling

Resist >>>  withstand

Ridiculous >>> hilarious

Sad >>> unhappy, sorrowful

Scarce >>> short, insufficient

Seize >>> grab

Sick >>> ill, unwell

Smooth >>> even

Sorrow >>> sadness, unhappiness

Spontaneous >>> unplanned

Stationary >>> motionless

Stop >>> end, finish

Stupid >>> unintelligent, brainless

Successful >>> victorious

Superb >>> excellent, superlative

Surplus >>> excess

Tender >>> caring, kind

Trivial>>> unimportant, insignificant

Upset >>> distress

Vacant >>> empty, unoccupied, unfilled

Valiant >>> brave

Vicious >>> violent

Wealth >>> affluence, prosperity

Wholehearted >>> sincere

Win >>> gain

Wonderful  >>> marvelous, magnificent, superb,

Wrong >>> incorrect, mistaken

Antonyms of Words

Adult >>> child

After  >>> before

Aggressive >>> passive

Always  >>> never

Apparent >>> hidden

Arrive  >>> depart

Artificial >>> real, authentic

Authentic >>> false, artificial

Awkward  >>> graceful

Before >>> after, behind

Believe >>> doubt, distrust

Beneficial >>> harmful, adverse

Brave >>> cowardly, timid

Brief  >>> long

Busy  >>> idle, inactive

Calm  >>> excited

Care >>> neglect

Cease >>> continue

Charming  >>> obnoxious

Chubby >>> thin, skinny

Close >>> open

Combine >>> separate

Complex >>> simple

Comprehend  >>> confuse, misinterpret

Condemn >>> approve

Confess >>>  deny

Conflict  >>> agree

Conform >>> dissent, dispute

Congested >>> empty

Conscientious  >>>  neglectful

Consecutive >>> interrupted

Considerate  >>> thoughtless

Contaminate >>> purify

Continue >>> discontinue, stop

Convenient  >>> inconvenient

Correct  >>> wrong, incorrect

Courteous >>> rude

Cozy >>> uncomfortable

Crazy >>> sane

Cry >>> laugh

Dangerous >>>safe

Dark >>> light

Dead >>> alive

Deduct >>>  add

Defy  >>> obey, comply

Demolish  >>> restore

Dense >>> sparse

Deposit >>> withdraw

Despise >>> love

Destroy  >>>restore

Deter  >>> encourage

Die >>> live

Difficult >>> easy

Diminish >>> increase

Disagree >>> agree

Diverse  >>> same, similar

Docile  >>> wild

Doubt >>> believe

Drastic  >>> mild, moderate

Dry >>> wet

Dull >>> sharp, bright

Early >>> late

Eccentric >>> normal

Encourage >>> discourage

Enjoy >>> dislike

Enormous  >>>  tiny

Entirely  >>>  partly

Evident >>> doubtful, vague

Exceptional  >>> ordinary, usual

Exhilarated  >>> depressed

Exquisite >>> revolting

Fast >>> slow

Feasible >>> impossible

Few >>> many

Fill >>> empty

Follow  >>> precede

Former  >>> latter

Frank >>> evasive

Frigid >>> warm, hot

Full >>> empty

Gallant  >>>  ungentlemanly

Gaunt >>> overweight, plump

Gentle >>> rough, harsh

Give  >>>  take, receive

Gloomy  >>>  cheery, bright

Good >>> bad, awful

Gratitude >>> ungratefulness

Hard  >>> soft, easy

Help   >>> hinder, thwart

Hold >>> release, discharge

Hospitable >>>  rude, unfriendly

Huge >>> small, tiny

Humiliate  >>>   honor, dignify

Idle  >>>  busy

Immature  >>>   mature, adult

Impartial   >>>   prejudiced

Imperative >>>  unnecessary

Independent >>> dependent, unsure

Insane  >>>   sane

Intelligent  >>>  ignorant, dense

Internal  >>> external, outer

Irrelevant >>> relevant

Join  >>>  separate

Keep  >>> discard

Large >>> small

Least  >>> most

Long  >>>short

Magnify >>> reduce, minimize

Maximum  >>>  minimum, least

Mean >>> pleasant, nice

Migrant >>> stationary, immovable

Minor >>> major

Negligent   >>>  conscientious

Nice  >>>  unpleasant

Numerous  >>>  few, scanty

Oblivious  >>>  mindful, aware

Observe  >>>   ignore, disregard

Offend  >>>  please, delight

Optimistic >>> pessimistic

Ordinary >>> unusual

Outstanding >>> insignificant

Passive  >>> forceful

Patience >>> impatience

Perfect  >>>   imperfect, faulty

Poor >>> rich, wealthy

Possible >>>  impossible

Precious >>> cheap, worthless

Premature >>>  late, delayed

Preserve  >>> destroy, neglect

Prevalent  >>> uncommon

Probable >>> improbable, doubtful

Profit >>> loss

Prominent >>> unknown

Prosperous >>> unsuccessful, fruitless

Push  >>> pull

Question >>> answer

Quit  >>> continue, remain

Radiant >>>  dim

Relevant >>>  irrelevant, insignificant

Reluctant  >>> willing

Resist >>> comply, conform

Ridiculous  >>> sensible, believable

Sad  >>>  happy, glad

Scarce >>> plentiful, abundant

Seize  >>> release, free

Sick  >>> well, healthy

Smooth  >>>  rough

Sorrow  >>>  joy, ecstasy

Spontaneous >>> planned, rehearsed

Stationary >>> movable, portable

Stop >>> start, begin

Stupid >>>  knowledgeable, smart

Successful >>> failing, unsuccessful

Superb >>> inferior, mediocre

Surplus >>> lack, deficit

Tender  >>> harsh, rough

Trivial >>> important, crucial

Upset >>> soothe, calm

Vacant >>> filled, occupied

Valiant >>> cowardly, fearful

Vicious >>> kind

Wealth >>> poverty

Wholehearted >>> insincere

Win >>>  lose

Wonderful  >>> awful

Wrong >>> correct, right

Antonyms and Synonyms| Infographic

Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 1

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 2

Synonyms and Antonyms

Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 3

Synonyms and Antonyms

Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 4

Synonyms and Antonyms


Wednesday 3rd of March 2021

This is not hopful


Wednesday 3rd of March 2021

I think this is hepful


Monday 11th of January 2021

im not geting no hlep


Wednesday 2nd of December 2020

my child gets help with grammarly