Synonyms and Antonyms! In this lesson, you will learn synonyms and antonyms of common words in English.
Table of Contents
Synonyms and Antonyms of Words
Synonyms of Words
Adult >>> grown person
After >>> following, succeeding
Aggressive >>> hostile
Always >>> all the time
Apparent >>> evident, obvious
Arrive >>> come
Artificial >>> false, insincere
Authentic >>> genuine
Awkward >>> unpleasant
Before >>> prior to, previous to
Believe >>> trust
Beneficial >>> advantageous
Brave >>> courageous
Brief >>> short
Busy >>> occupy
Calm >>> still
Care >>> bother
Cease >>> stop, finish
Charming >>> delightful, pleasant
Chubby >>> plump
Close >>> end
Combine >>> integrate
Complex >>>compound
Comprehend >>> understand
Condemn >>> criticize
Confess >>> admit
Conflict >>> dispute
Conform >>> obey, follow
Congested >>> crowed, full
Conscientious >>> diligent
Consecutive >>> successive
Considerate >>> thoughtful
Contaminate >>> pollute
Continue >>> go on
Convenient >>> suitable, appropriate
Correct >>> right
Courteous >>> polite, well behaved
Cozy >>> warm, comfortable
Crazy >>> mad
Cry >>> weep
Dangerous >>> threatening
Dark >>> unlighted, black
Dead>>> passed away
Deduct >>> subtract
Defy >>> escape, defeat
Demolish >>> destroy
Dense >>> thick, heavy
Deposit >>> prepayment
Despise >>> detest, hate
Destroy >>>demolish
Deter >>> discourage
Die >>> pass away
Difficult >>> hard
Diminish >>> decrease
Disagree >>> contradict
Diverse >>> various
Docile >>> obedient
Doubt >>> uncertainty
Drastic >>> serious
Dry >>> withered
Dull >>> drab, dreary, somber
Early >>> advance
Eccentric >>> abnormal
Encourage >>> cheer, motivate
Enjoy >>> like
Enormous >>> huge, vast
Entirely >>> totally, fully
Evident >>> apparent, obvious
Exceptional >>> abnormal, unusual
Exhilarated >>> thrill
Exquisite >>> beautiful, lovely, elegant
Fast >>> quick
Feasible >>> possible
Few >>> any
Fill >>> enough, sufficient, plenty
Follow >>> accompany
Former >>> prior
Frank >>> straight
Frigid >>> frozen, freezing
Full >>> filled
Gallant >>> gentlemanly
Gaunt >>> skinny
Gentle >>> kind
Give >>> present
Gloomy >>> dark, shadowy
Good >>> wonderful, great
Gratitude >>> gratefulness
Hard >>> difficult
Help >>> assist, aid
Hold >>> carry, keep
Hospitable >>> friendly
Huge >>> big, vast
Humiliate >>> embarrass, mortify, humble
Idle >>> lazy
Immature >>> childish
Impartial >>> neutral
Imperative >>> vital, crucial
Independent >>> individualistic
Insane >>> mad
Intelligent >>> clever
Internal >>> interior
Irrelevant >>> immaterial
Join >>> connect
Keep >>> remain, stay
Large >>> big
Least >>> smallest
Long >>> prolonged
Magnify >>> enlarge
Maximum >>> highest
Mean >>> intend, aim
Migrant >>> immigrant
Minor >>> slight, small
Negligent >>> careless, irresponsible
Nice >>>pleasant
Numerous >>> many
Oblivious >>> unaware, unconscious
Observe >>> notice
Offend >>> upset
Optimistic >>> positive
Ordinary >>> usual, normal
Outstanding >>> excellent
Passive >>> submissive
Patience >>> tolerance
Perfect >>> ideal
Poor >>> poverty-stricken
Possible >>> feasible
Precious >>> valuable
Premature >>> early
Preserve >>> conserve
Prevalent >>> common
Probable >>> likely
Profit >>> gain
Prominent >>> well known
Prosperous >>> flourishing, successful,
Push >>> shove, thrust
Question >>> inquiry, query
Quit >>> leave, stop
Radiant >>> bright
Relevant >>> pertinent
Reluctant >>> unwilling
Resist >>> withstand
Ridiculous >>> hilarious
Sad >>> unhappy, sorrowful
Scarce >>> short, insufficient
Seize >>> grab
Sick >>> ill, unwell
Smooth >>> even
Sorrow >>> sadness, unhappiness
Spontaneous >>> unplanned
Stationary >>> motionless
Stop >>> end, finish
Stupid >>> unintelligent, brainless
Successful >>> victorious
Superb >>> excellent, superlative
Surplus >>> excess
Tender >>> caring, kind
Trivial>>> unimportant, insignificant
Upset >>> distress
Vacant >>> empty, unoccupied, unfilled
Valiant >>> brave
Vicious >>> violent
Wealth >>> affluence, prosperity
Wholehearted >>> sincere
Win >>> gain
Wonderful >>> marvelous, magnificent, superb,
Wrong >>> incorrect, mistaken
Antonyms of Words
Adult >>> child
After >>> before
Aggressive >>> passive
Always >>> never
Apparent >>> hidden
Arrive >>> depart
Artificial >>> real, authentic
Authentic >>> false, artificial
Awkward >>> graceful
Before >>> after, behind
Believe >>> doubt, distrust
Beneficial >>> harmful, adverse
Brave >>> cowardly, timid
Brief >>> long
Busy >>> idle, inactive
Calm >>> excited
Care >>> neglect
Cease >>> continue
Charming >>> obnoxious
Chubby >>> thin, skinny
Close >>> open
Combine >>> separate
Complex >>> simple
Comprehend >>> confuse, misinterpret
Condemn >>> approve
Confess >>> deny
Conflict >>> agree
Conform >>> dissent, dispute
Congested >>> empty
Conscientious >>> neglectful
Consecutive >>> interrupted
Considerate >>> thoughtless
Contaminate >>> purify
Continue >>> discontinue, stop
Convenient >>> inconvenient
Correct >>> wrong, incorrect
Courteous >>> rude
Cozy >>> uncomfortable
Crazy >>> sane
Cry >>> laugh
Dangerous >>>safe
Dark >>> light
Dead >>> alive
Deduct >>> add
Defy >>> obey, comply
Demolish >>> restore
Dense >>> sparse
Deposit >>> withdraw
Despise >>> love
Destroy >>>restore
Deter >>> encourage
Die >>> live
Difficult >>> easy
Diminish >>> increase
Disagree >>> agree
Diverse >>> same, similar
Docile >>> wild
Doubt >>> believe
Drastic >>> mild, moderate
Dry >>> wet
Dull >>> sharp, bright
Early >>> late
Eccentric >>> normal
Encourage >>> discourage
Enjoy >>> dislike
Enormous >>> tiny
Entirely >>> partly
Evident >>> doubtful, vague
Exceptional >>> ordinary, usual
Exhilarated >>> depressed
Exquisite >>> revolting
Fast >>> slow
Feasible >>> impossible
Few >>> many
Fill >>> empty
Follow >>> precede
Former >>> latter
Frank >>> evasive
Frigid >>> warm, hot
Full >>> empty
Gallant >>> ungentlemanly
Gaunt >>> overweight, plump
Gentle >>> rough, harsh
Give >>> take, receive
Gloomy >>> cheery, bright
Good >>> bad, awful
Gratitude >>> ungratefulness
Hard >>> soft, easy
Help >>> hinder, thwart
Hold >>> release, discharge
Hospitable >>> rude, unfriendly
Huge >>> small, tiny
Humiliate >>> honor, dignify
Idle >>> busy
Immature >>> mature, adult
Impartial >>> prejudiced
Imperative >>> unnecessary
Independent >>> dependent, unsure
Insane >>> sane
Intelligent >>> ignorant, dense
Internal >>> external, outer
Irrelevant >>> relevant
Join >>> separate
Keep >>> discard
Large >>> small
Least >>> most
Long >>>short
Magnify >>> reduce, minimize
Maximum >>> minimum, least
Mean >>> pleasant, nice
Migrant >>> stationary, immovable
Minor >>> major
Negligent >>> conscientious
Nice >>> unpleasant
Numerous >>> few, scanty
Oblivious >>> mindful, aware
Observe >>> ignore, disregard
Offend >>> please, delight
Optimistic >>> pessimistic
Ordinary >>> unusual
Outstanding >>> insignificant
Passive >>> forceful
Patience >>> impatience
Perfect >>> imperfect, faulty
Poor >>> rich, wealthy
Possible >>> impossible
Precious >>> cheap, worthless
Premature >>> late, delayed
Preserve >>> destroy, neglect
Prevalent >>> uncommon
Probable >>> improbable, doubtful
Profit >>> loss
Prominent >>> unknown
Prosperous >>> unsuccessful, fruitless
Push >>> pull
Question >>> answer
Quit >>> continue, remain
Radiant >>> dim
Relevant >>> irrelevant, insignificant
Reluctant >>> willing
Resist >>> comply, conform
Ridiculous >>> sensible, believable
Sad >>> happy, glad
Scarce >>> plentiful, abundant
Seize >>> release, free
Sick >>> well, healthy
Smooth >>> rough
Sorrow >>> joy, ecstasy
Spontaneous >>> planned, rehearsed
Stationary >>> movable, portable
Stop >>> start, begin
Stupid >>> knowledgeable, smart
Successful >>> failing, unsuccessful
Superb >>> inferior, mediocre
Surplus >>> lack, deficit
Tender >>> harsh, rough
Trivial >>> important, crucial
Upset >>> soothe, calm
Vacant >>> filled, occupied
Valiant >>> cowardly, fearful
Vicious >>> kind
Wealth >>> poverty
Wholehearted >>> insincere
Win >>> lose
Wonderful >>> awful
Wrong >>> correct, right
Antonyms and Synonyms| Infographic
Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 1
Synonyms and Antonyms |Infographic 2
Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 3
Antonyms and Synonyms|Infographic 4
Wednesday 3rd of March 2021
This is not hopful
Wednesday 3rd of March 2021
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