Text Abbreviations! Following is a list of popular text abbreviations & internet acronyms in English you might not know.
Table of Contents
Text Abbreviations
- 2DAY : today
- 2MORROW : tomorrow
- B : be
- B4 : before
- BF : boyfriend
- BRO : brother
- WTH: what the hell
- LMAO: Laughing my ass off
- ROFL: rolling on the floor laughing
- BTW: By the way
- BT : but
- OMG: Oh my god!
- WTF: What the f***
- OFC: of course
- OG: Original Gangster
- C : see
- D8 : date
- F8 : fate
- GF : girlfriend
- L8 : late
- M8 : mate
- PLS : please
- SIS : sister
- U : you
- UR : your
- ASAP : as soon as possible
- CUL : see you later
- HAND : have a nice day
- HRU : How are you
- LOL : laughing out loud
- LTNS : long time no see
- Dere/Tere: There
- Thnx/Thnk u/Thnx/ty: Thank you
- Wassup? /Wts up?/ Wtz up?/Sup?: What’s up?
- Ny8: Night
- Dnt: Don’t
- Idk: I don’t know
- Wut/Wat: What
- Tc: Take care
- Sd: Sweet dreams
- Dat: That
- Cu: See you
- Wbu?: What about you?
- K/Okies/kk: Ok
- Idc: I don’t care
- Ttyl: Talk to you later
- Fyi: For your information
- Otoh: On the other hand
- UwU: Reaction to something cute
- N/&: And
- #: Number
- 2ny8/2nite: Tonight
- Lol/lolz: Laughing out loud
- msg: Message
- Txt: Text
- Sic: Said in context
- Wrt: With respect to
Friday 26th of July 2019
Really cool Wow same i cant belive dis
Friday 26th of July 2019
Omg this is so helpful tysm! I love this website i love love LOVE IT
Friday 26th of July 2019