Are you looking for some things that start with B in the English language? From bicycles to books and beyond, the letter “B” has given us a wealth of everyday objects and concepts to enjoy. In this article, we will explore a variety of things that start with the letter “B”, from the common and practical to the more obscure and fascinating.
Table of Contents
Things that Start with B

Things that Start with B – Created by ESLForums
Animals that Start with B
- Bear
- Bird
- Buffalo
- Bat
- Baboon
- Butterfly
- Bull
- Beaver
- Blue jay
- Badger
- Boa
- Barracuda
- Bee
- Bighorn sheep
- Bullfrog
- Bonobo
- Blue whale
- Black panther
- Bison
- Bobcat
Household Objects that Start with B
- Bed
- Bookshelf
- Blender
- Bathtub
- Blanket
- Breadbox
- Basket
- Bathmat
- Bulletin board
- Broom
- Bin
- Bowl
- Butter dish
- Bottle opener
- Bedside table
- Box cutter
- Beanbag chair
- BBQ grill
- Beverage cooler
- Bread knife
Food that Start with B
- Bacon
- Bagel
- Banana
- Barbecue
- Beans
- Beef
- Beer
- Berries
- Biscuits
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Bologna
- Bread
- Broccoli
- Brownies
- Brussels sprouts
- Butter
- Buttermilk
- Butternut squash
- Baked potato
Clothes that Start with B
- Blouse
- Belt
- Boots
- Bikini
- Button-up shirt
- Bow tie
- Baseball cap
- Bathrobe
- Beret
- Blazer
- Bermuda shorts
- Briefs
- Balaclava
- Bomber jacket
- Boxer shorts
- Bucket hat
- Ballet flats
- Bolero jacket
- Baggy pants
- Baseball jacket
Body Parts that Start with B
- Brain
- Brow
- Biceps
- Belly
- Buttocks
- Breast
- Bladder
- Bones
- Blood vessels
- Bronchi
- Buccal cavity
- Base of skull
- Bursa
- Brachialis muscle
- Buccinator muscle
- Basilar artery
- Bronchioles
- Bony labyrinth
- Brachioradialis muscle
- Bile duct
Vehicles and Transportation that Start with B
- Bicycle
- Bus
- Boat
- Barge
- Bullet train
- Balloon
- Biplane
- Bomber
- Bulldozer
- Bobsled
- Black cab
- Backhoe
- Buggy
- Box truck
- Beetle car
- Bulletproof car
- Bicycle taxi
- Blade helicopter
- Bombardier
- Battleship
List of Things that Start with B
- Bear
- Bird
- Buffalo
- Bat
- Baboon
- Butterfly
- Bull
- Beaver
- Blue jay
- Badger
- Boa
- Barracuda
- Bee
- Bighorn sheep
- Bullfrog
- Bonobo
- Blue whale
- Black panther
- Bison
- Bobcat
- Bed
- Bookshelf
- Blender
- Bathtub
- Blanket
- Breadbox
- Basket
- Bathmat
- Bulletin board
- Broom
- Bin
- Bowl
- Butter dish
- Bottle opener
- Bedside table
- Box cutter
- Beanbag chair
- BBQ grill
- Beverage cooler
- Bread knife
- Bacon
- Bagel
- Banana
- Barbecue
- Beans
- Beef
- Beer
- Berries
- Biscuits
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Bologna
- Bread
- Broccoli
- Brownies
- Brussels sprouts
- Butter
- Buttermilk
- Butternut squash
- Baked potato
- Blouse
- Belt
- Boots
- Bikini
- Button-up shirt
- Bow tie
- Baseball cap
- Bathrobe
- Beret
- Blazer
- Bermuda shorts
- Briefs
- Balaclava
- Bomber jacket
- Boxer shorts
- Bucket hat
- Ballet flats
- Bolero jacket
- Baggy pants
- Baseball jacket
- Brain
- Brow
- Biceps
- Belly
- Buttocks
- Breast
- Bladder
- Bones
- Blood vessels
- Bronchi
- Buccal cavity
- Base of skull
- Bursa
- Brachialis muscle
- Buccinator muscle
- Basilar artery
- Bronchioles
- Bony labyrinth
- Brachioradialis muscle
- Bile duct
- Bicycle
- Bus
- Boat
- Barge
- Bullet train
- Balloon
- Biplane
- Bomber
- Bulldozer
- Bobsled
- Black cab
- Backhoe
- Buggy
- Box truck
- Beetle car
- Bulletproof car
- Bicycle taxi
- Blade helicopter
- Bombardier
- Battleship
- Baby
- Backpack
- Badge
- Bag
- Bakery
- Balance
- Balcony
- Ball
- Ballerina
- Band
- Bandana
- Bandage
- Bangles
- Bank
- Banner
- Bar
- Barber
- Barley
- Barn
- Barometer
- Barricade
- Barrette
- Barricade tape
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bass
- Bath
- Bathroom
- Battery
- Bay
- Beach
- Bead
- Beagle
- Beak
- Beam
- Bean
- Beanbag
- Beard
- Beast
- Beat
- Beauty
- Bedroom
- Beetle
- Begonia
- Bell
- Bench
- Bend
- Berry
- Beverage
- Bidet
- Billboard
- Binder
- Bingo
- Binoculars
- Birth
- Biscuit
- Bit
- Bite
- Black
- Blackboard
- Blade
- Bleach
- Blessing
- Blindfold
- Blinker
- Blister
- Block
- Blood
- Blow
- Blue
- Blueberry
- Board
- Bobbin
- Body
- Bog
- Bohr model
- Boiler
- Bolster
- Bolt
- Bomb
- Bone
- Book
- Bookcase
- Bookend
- Booklet
- Boom
- Boot
- Border
- Boron
- Bottle
- Bottom
- Boulder
- Boulevard
- Bow
- Box
- Boxer
- Boxing gloves
- Boy
- Bracelet
- Braces
- Bracket
- Brake
- Branch
- Brand
- Brass
- Breakfast
- Breath
- Breeze
- Brick
- Bride
- Bridge
- Briefcase
- Brightness
- Brim
- Brine
- Bring
- Brochure
- Bronze
- Brooch
- Brook
- Brother
- Brown
- Brush
- Bubble
- Buck
- Bucket
- Buckle
- Bud
- Buddhism
- Buffer
- Buffet
- Bug
- Build
- Building
- Bulb
- Bullet
- Bump
- Bumper
- Bun
- Bungalow
- Bunny
FAQs on Things that Start with B
What are some common things that start with B?
There are many common things that start with the letter B. Here are ten examples:
- Banana
- Bicycle
- Book
- Bird
- Backpack
- Bottle
- Bench
- Ball
- Bed
- Butterfly
Other common things that start with B include buildings, bridges, boats, buses, and many more.
What are some common things that start with B for kids?
For kids, here are some common things that start with the letter B:
- Bear
- Blocks
- Bubble
- Balloon
- Bat
- Beach
- Bee
- Butterfly
- Baby
- Ball
Other fun things that start with B for kids include books, bikes, bananas, buttons, and backpacks.
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